The Spoilt Brat and the Grease Monkey

I'll Never Live This Down, Will I?

Friday’s were Kay’s favourite day of the week. Not only did she get to leave school at lunch since she had no class that afternoon she also got to work at the garage for a few hours.
“Have I ever told you how jealous I am of your timetable?” Jackie groaned as they walked to her locker.
“Yeah, a couple of times.” Kay replied. “Every single Friday for the whole year!”
“You get to leave at lunch every Friday!” Jackie whined unlocking the lock on her locker and pulling out her chemistry books. “Chemistry. What a way to end the week!” As much as she complained about her chemistry lessons Kay knew she actually loved the subject.
“That’s what you get for wanting to be a chemical technician.” Kay shrugged unsympathetically. “Anywho I’m going to head off. I’ll catch ya tonight.”
“No! Don’t leave me here! I can’t survive without you!” Jackie cried dramatically, clinging onto Kay suddenly.
“Get off of me Rabbit.” She laughed detaching her friend’s arms from around her neck and quickly running away before she got jumped again.
“You are a horrible person!” Jackie called after her.
“Later Rabbit!” Kay laughed as she headed to her locker.

“Jeez way to take your time.” Jeremy said as she walked into the garage. Kay flipped him off and continued on her way to the bathroom. She’d taken a detour to get food and go to the shops for a little bit. After getting changed she headed back out to the garage to find Mark and Jeremy leaning against the bench looking at the car in front of them. It was thoroughly trashed.
“What happened to it?” she asked looking over the 2000 Subaru Impreza. It looked like it had been hit by a train on the passenger side.
“We saved it!” Mark said proudly, grinning like a kid in a candy store.
“Oh god.” Kay groaned. Mark and Jeremy were always ‘saving’ cars from the wreckers and doing them up as street racers.
“She always reacts like that.” Jeremy mumbled.
“Another do up? Really? You two have nothing else to do with your time?” she asked.
“Nope, cars are our life baby.” Mark said clapping her on the back as he walked past. Jeremy followed Mark to the office and Kay gave the Subaru a closer look. It had been t-boned by something big. All the seats had been taken out, along with the steering wheel. The only things remaining were the peddles and gear stick. This was going to cost them a fortune.
Kay heard a car pull up in the bay beside her and stood up, ready to go help the customer.
“Hey baby.” Sebastian Obray smirked getting out of his car.
“You have got to be kidding me.” Kay groaned.
“I did ring to book my car in. I believe you told me to come in at three?” Sebastian smiled widely.
“You’re Jason?” Kay snapped.
“I just thought I’d book it in under my dad’s name. He is a regular client of Marks after all.” He shrugged.
“Mark! You’re three o’clock is here!” Kay called walking over to the office. She found Mark and Jeremy huddled over the computer laughing at something. Looking over Mark’s shoulder she saw a video of a bird walking around covering its head with its wings and then uncovering it again.
“You’re three o’clock is here.” She said rolling her eyes.
“Can’t you take it?” Mark whined.
“Umm no.” Kay said flopping on the couch.
“Fine.” Mark sighed before heading out the Sebastian. “Oh hey Seb. Kay didn’t tell me it was you.”
“Yeah, I get the feeling she doesn’t like me very much.” She heard Sebastian say sadly.
“Wonder what gave you that idea.” She mumbled.
“You know, you could try being nice to him? He only wants to get to know you.” Jeremy said seriously from behind the desk.
“I don’t think so.” Kay said with a chuckle.
“Kay! He is doing anything he can think of to try and impress you. The least you could do is give him a chance.” Jeremy said a tinge of disappointment in his voice. Kay had only ever heard that tone once before. When he’d caught her skipping school the one time she tried it. That tone was enough to make her never skip school again. It was also enough to make her suck up her pride and go and talk to Sebastian politely.
“Are you free tonight?” she mumbled looking at her feet.
“Excuse me?” Sebastian choked. Kay took a deep breath and looked up from the ground.
“I asked if you were free tonight?” she repeated.
“Yeah, why?” Sebastian asked suspiciously.
“Well my friends band is playing at BoJays and I was wondering if you wanted to come along.” She said, feeling herself go red in the face.
“I, umm, sure.” Sebastian smiled.
“Cool. I’ll pick you up at about seven then.” Kay said before turning on her heal and walking as fast as she could back to the office.
“Aww, look at you all grown up and asking him out.” Jeremy cooed.
“Shut up! I did not just ask him out!” she snapped.
“Uh, yeah ya did. You just asked him to go with you to the gig tonight. You asked him out tonight!” Jeremy cackled. The realisation that she had just technically asked out Sebastian Obray hit her like a ton of bricks.
“I’ll never live this down, will I?” she asked falling back onto the couch.
“Nope.” Jeremy laughed.
“Fuck my life.”