The Spoilt Brat and the Grease Monkey


They watched the show from side of stage with Mel occasionally running off to talk to the hot guy at the bar. She was kind of a flirt but you got used to it.
“So. You’re friends are interesting.” Sebastian said, leaning in closer to her ear so she could hear him over the music.
“Yeah.” Kay laughed. “Interesting is a good way to describe them.” She looked to her left to see Sebastian grinning like an idiot.
“What’s that face for?” she asked in confusion.
“That’s the first time I’ve heard you laugh.” He said. “Has anyone ever told you how great your laugh is?” Kay hit herself in the forehead with an open palm.
“Really? You’re trying to get with me through corny pick up lines now?” She asked raising an eyebrow at him.
“That depends.” Sebastian said, leaning in closer to her so their faces were inches apart. “Is it working in my favour?” Kay stood there, transfixed by the look in his eyes. It wasn’t lust and it wasn’t love but it was something in between. She could feel his face getting even closer to hers and found herself half wanting to close the gap between them.
Kay felt a vibrating in her back pocket and pulled away quickly. She fished her phone out of her pocket and stepped out into the slightly quieter corridor.
“Hello?” she asked blocking her other ear with her finger.
“Is this Kayleigh Archibald?” a woman’s voice asked on the other end of the line.
“Yes. Who is this?” Kay asked curiously, she never really got calls asking for her by her full name.
“Miss Archibald my name is Kelly and I’m calling from Ashford hospital.” Dread flooded Kay like an ice cube being put down her back.
“Yes.” She squeaked meekly.
“It’s in regards to a Mr Marcus Baitman.” Kelly said formally.
“Oh god.” Kay choked. “What’s wrong with him?”
“He’s in a stable condition but has a few broken bones and large bruises in possibly dangerous areas, which is why we are going to keep him here for the next few days.” Kelly explained.
“I’ll be there in half an hour.” Kay said firmly, trying to bring her breathing back to normal.
“Yes, that would be good if you could come down. There are something’s we will need to talk to you about as well.” Kelly said.
“I’ll be there as quick as I can. Thank-you.” Kay said sincerely before hanging up and just staring at the wall. What had happened? Why was Mark in hospital? She stood there for about five minutes before she heard someone enter the corridor.
“Kay? Are you alright?” Sebastian asked cautiously.
“I am really sorry but I have to go.” She said. “Are you ok with Mel or Jackie dropping you off at your car?” she asked quickly while she checked for her keys and wallet.
“Are you alright? What’s going on?” Sebastian asked again, completely ignoring her question.
“I just got a call from Ashford hospital saying that Mark has been admitted with broken bones and large amounts of bruising. I have to go.” She explained briefly.
“I’ll drive you.” Sebastian said.
“No, it’s fine. Mel can give you a lift to your car.” Kay said, a single tear running down her face. What if the bruising lead to something worse? What if he went from stable to critical?
“You’re in no state to drive. Give me your keys.” Sebastian said firmly. Kay sniffed and handed over her keys.
“I’ll go find Mel and tell her we’re leaving. She’ll pass the message on to Jackie. You just wait here.” He said gently. He was being so nice to her after all she’d done was be horrible to him. She didn’t deserve his help.

Sebastian returned a few minutes later and took her hand softly in his before leading her out of the club to her car. They got in and he started the engine. It felt so weird being the passenger in her own car and it wasn’t a good weird either.
“Thank-you.” Kay said quietly after about fifteen minutes of silence.
“It’s fine.” Sebastian said.
“No, I’ve been so horrible to you and now you’re doing this for me. It doesn’t make sense.” Kay said in annoyance.
“Look Kay, I like you, like actually really like you. There is no way in hell that I would let you drive yourself to the hospital.” He said firmly.
“I don’t get why you’re being so nice to me.” Kay sighed.
“Umm I just said it.” Sebastian said. “I really like you. I want to be with you. If I wanted just a quick fuck I would have given up ages ago but believe it or not I do actually care about you.” Kay went quiet and Sebastian continued to drive.
He actually, legitimately liked her. He didn’t just want to fuck her and run, he actually liked her. That would explain why he hadn’t given up yet. They pulled up to the hospital and Sebastian parked right near the door. Kay got out and walked around to the driver’s side before he had had a chance to lock the car. She wrapped her arms around him and held him tight. He responded quickly and mimicked her actions.
“Thank-you Seb, for everything tonight.” She mumbled into his chest.
“It’s no problem.” He said before they untangled themselves and headed into the hospital. Kay walked up to the reception desk and waited to be served.
“Yes, how may I help you?” a woman sitting behind the counter asked.
“Yes, I’m looking for Marcus Baitman.” Kay said. “A lady named Kelly rang me about half an hour ago saying he was here?”
“Yes, that was me.” The woman said. “He’s on the second floor. Take the elevator up and when you step out onto the floor turn right and he’s the second door.”
“Thank-you so much.” Kay called back to Kelly as she hurried to the elevator, Sebastian closely following her. They went up and as soon as the doors open Kay turned right and walked down the hall until she found the second door. She looked inside and saw Mark lying there on the bed. She pushed the door open wider and walked in. Upon hearing the squeak of the door Mark looked their way and his face split into a girn.
“Kay!” he said gruffly, beckoning her closer with open arms. She rushed over and held him tightly.
“What happened?” she asked letting go of him and sitting on the side of his bed.
“You know that Subaru me and Jem bought to do up for the drags?” Mark asked in a low tone.
“Yeah, what about it?”
“Well the parts we’ve been getting in for it aren’t exactly legal.” Mark explained. “Some of our racing competitors heard about it somehow and wanted to put a stop our remodelling so to speak.”
“Someone organised a hit on you?” Kay gasped in shock.
“Yeah, it seems that way. Anyway they took a few swings at me and once I was down took a few at the car and by that I mean they all but destroyed it.” Mark sighed sadly. “I was lucky Jem came back in or they would have finished both me and the car off.”
“So did the cops get them?” Kay asked, looking over the damage that some people had done all because of drag racing.
“Nope, soon as he got back they legged it outta there.” Mark said, groaning in pain as he tried to sit himself up higher.
“Oh, hey Seb.” He said, finally noticing the third person in the room.
“Hi Mark, I’m sorry if I’m intruding. I can leave.” Sebastian said awkwardly.
“No, please stay. It’s nice to know I have a man I can trust to look after Kay.” Mark smiled genuinely.
“Hey! I can look after myself. And if not why not Jackie, Mel or Jeremy?” Kay argued.
“Trust me Kay, for now I just want someone I trust, preferably a guy, at the house with you. I don’t know how serious these guys were and you know how much we keep at our place.” Mark said, dropping his tone even lower.
“Mark, you can’t just shove that on his shoulders. It’s not fair on him.” Kay hissed.
“It’s fine Kay. I wasn’t planning on leaving you anyway, well at least for tonight.” Sebastian said from his spot near the door.
“See, all sorted!” Mark said cheerily. “Now, who wants to go get their favourite guardian some Maccas because the hospital food is absolute shit?” Kay dropped her head, half in shame, half in relief. He’d just been attacked and he wanted Maccas. Typical Mark.
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Sorry it's been so long. Hopefully it'll get back to more frequent chapters now :)