Status: completed

The Princess and the Outcast

The great escape

Oliver's eyes widened. "Wh-What? Run away? Jade. I can't just leave my father like that."
"Oliver. Please? It's our only hope."
"Well... Alright. Let's go."
Oliver and Jade began to run in no particular direction, going to nowhere specific. They ran/walked for hours and hours. "Where are we going to go?" Jade asked him.
"I have no idea..."


Back at home, Jade's parents were getting worried. Jade had left them a note before she left.

Mom & Dad, please don't be mad at me. I ran away so I could be with Oliver. Clearly neither he nor I am accepted here so we're going to go somewhere that we can be together. I know you just won't understand but I love him with all my heart. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I love you both.

"Adam, did you see this?!" Jade's mother exclaimed. "Our little girl ran away from us?!"
"She did... You know we have to find her."
"I-I know." Jade's mother said between sobs.
"I'll call Tony. Maybe he'll know what's going on or where they went."
Jade's father ran to the phone and called up Tony. "Hey, Tony? It's Adam Bosna, Jade's father...Yeah, yeah, I called because Jade ran away."
"Well what does that have to do with me?" Tony said.
"Jade ran away with Oliver."
"What?! Oh god..."
"Will you help us find them?"
"Yeah, of course I will. I'll be over now."
"Ok, see you then."
After hanging up the phone with Tony, Adam began to pace while he waited for Tony to arrive. It was going to be a long night.


Jade and Oliver walked along the street and came to a bridge that ran over the river below. They stood there in silence, trying to think of what to do next and where to go, when they both heard yelling. "Jade! Oliver!"
They looked over to see Jade's parents and Tony running towards them. "Oh no." Jade said. "They found us."
"Hop up on the railing." Oliver said.
"Just do it."
The two stood up on the railing.
"Take my hand." he said. "We're going to jump."
"What?! No! I-I can't!"
"Do you trust me?"
"Well... Yes."
"Good. On three, ready?"
Jade nodded.
"One, two...THREE!"
They jumped off the bridge and crashed into the icy water below. Jade held on to Oliver and they let the current take them away.