Status: completed

The Princess and the Outcast

Not again

Jade and Oliver woke up the next morning, pulled their clothes out of the dryer and got dressed. "You hungry?" Oliver asked.
"Yeah, a little."
"Let me make you something."
"Aw, Oliver! You don't have to do that!"
"I'm a chef's son remember?"
Jade and Oliver laughed. Oliver made Jade breakfast and they sat and ate together. Life couldn't be any more perfect for the two of them. Too bad things were about to go back down hill.


"We've been searching all night. Where could they be?" Jade's exasperated mother asked.
"You know what? I think I know where they went. There's a shack on the banks of the river that Oliver's friends go to all the time to smoke weed and get high. Don't ask me how I know..." Tony said.
"Well you do know where it is, right?" Adam, Jade's father, said.
"Yeah, let's go!"
The three adults ran to their cars and drove to the river. They jumped out and followed Tony to the place where the shack was.
"That's it. Let's go get them." Tony said.
They approached the door and Tony knocked. "Oliver, Jade! Open up! It's your parents!"
Inside the house, Jade and Oliver were sitting on the couch. They looked at each other in shock.
"Not again." Jade said.
Within seconds, the door burst open and Tony and Jade's parents stormed in. Tony pulled Oliver off the couch and Jade's mother pulled Jade up.
"No! No! Let go of me! Oliver!" Jade shouted, while struggling to escape her mother's grasp.
"Jade! It's ok! Everything will be alright!" Oliver said.
"Come on Jade. We're going home." Adam said.
"No! I won't leave! You can't make me go! No! No!" Jade screamed as her parents forced her into the car and slammed the door. Oliver stood watching as the car that contained his love, drove away out of sight.
"C'mon Oliver. Let's go home." Tony suggested.
" I can't believe you let this happen! You know how I felt about her! That was our last chance and now... Now I'll never get to see her ever again." Oliver said as tears streamed down his cheeks.


Back at home, Jade was locked away in the tower, just like in the fairy tales she read about, but this time there was no prince coming to save her. Jade's father came and visited often. "I loved him daddy!" she said.
'I know you did, but you know you can't see him again. You completely disobeyed us by running away."
"I'm... I'm sorry, daddy."
"Well you'll get over him eventually. Your mother and I-" He stopped short because he didn't want his daughter to know what he was about to say next.
"You and mom what?"
"Um, well... Your mother and I have... well... set up and arranged marriage..."
"You did what?! I'm only seventeen!"
"I know, but you won't be engaged until three years from now and sweetie, it's for the best."
"When do I meet him...?"
"Well you know him. His name is Eric."
Jade dropped her head in her hands. "Not Eric..." she thought.
Her life began to crumble down before her eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
i am sooooo sorry it took me so long to get this up. a lot has been going on recently but i'll try to be more speedy with my updates. thank you so much to my 3 subscribers! please, please, please subscribe and comment! spread the word too about it if you like it. it really means a lot! if you comment, i'll go and read some of your stories. i always do, but only if you comment so i know who you are. thank you! (: