Status: completed

The Princess and the Outcast


Oliver stood in the corner of the room next to a bucket of water and a mop in hand. He watched as Jade reached up to her hair and undid the pin that was holding it up. Her hair tumbled down on her shoulders and around her face. She looked like an angel. Oliver was the chef's son. He and his dad owned the small fifties style cafe. Jade came in often on Saturday nights after they had closed. When the party started to get boring, she came in to sit and relax and get away from all the high society people. Oliver glanced at the clock on the wall. 9:50. She was late tonight. Normally she came in at 9:38 exactly. It didn't matter to him though. As long as she came. Oliver had never talked to Jade before but he thought she was breath takingly beautiful and he loved her, as strange as that sounds. She talked to his father all the time and he would just listen in as he mopped the floor. He knew so much about her but she didn't even know he existed.
"Ah, Jade! I thought I heard you come in." the chef said.
"Hi Tony! How are you?"
"Oh same old, same old. Can I get you anything?"
"Ginger ale and a croissant." Oliver thought to himself. She always got the same thing every Saturday night.
"Ginger ale and a croissant?" she said.
Tony laughed. "Ah same as always I see. You got it. Oliver, could you get that for her?"
'Uh... sure." Oliver said, sounding confused. His father never asked him to stop mopping before and get things for customers, even if it was just Jade. In fact, Tony never let Oliver leave until he was done mopping the floor and it looked spotless. He came back out and walked over to the table she was sitting at.
"H-Here you go." he stuttered, getting more and more nervous around her. Oliver was extremely shy but an incredibly attractive guy. That didn't matter though. Oliver and his dad were poor and Oliver was known as the outcast of the school because he was different than everyone else.
"Thanks Oliver!" She smiled up at him.
"She knows my name?!" Oliver thought as he smiled back at her and began to blush.
"Back to mopping, Oliver." Tony said.
Jade thought Oliver was a sweet guy. If only he talked more.