Status: completed

The Princess and the Outcast

Just a poor mop boy

Jade glanced over at the clock. "Oh, midnight already? I better go. See you next weekend Tony!"
"Bye Jade!" Tony said.
Jade skipped over to the glass door. She placed a hand on it but then turned around. She looked over at the simple boy in the corner. "Bye Oliver!" She gave him a sweet smile and then with a flash of blonde hair, she was gone. He heard the bell on the top of the door jingle.
"Nice girl, Jade." Tony said.
"Yeah, she is..." Oliver trailed off.
"Pretty too, huh?"
"You like her a lot, don't you?"
Tony gave his son a oh-c'mon-i-know-you-do-look.
"Ok, fine. Yes. I love her."
"I knew you did. I can read it all over your face."
"Is it that obvious?"
"Yeah. I hate to break it to you son but honestly, you don't stand a chance. She's beautiful and rich and you're just a poor mop boy." Tony was never encouraging of his son. Ever since Oliver's mother died, Tony hasn't been the same loving father he used to be. He began to drink a lot and Oliver was scared of his father most of the time. Oliver was used to the degrading comments though. He heard them at school, he heard them at home, he heard them everywhere. They became his life. Jade was the small sliver of hope. Jade was different than all the other kids at school. Oliver thought that maybe, just maybe, he had a chance.
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sorry its so short. I'm kinda sick and all Ive been doing is sleeping lately but i wanted to have an update for all my wonderful subscribers and people reading it. hope everyone is liking it! I'll hopefully have more soon!