Status: completed

The Princess and the Outcast

Long night

The week couldn't have gone by any slower. It was finally saturday night again and Oliver couldn't wait for 9:30 to roll around so he could see Jade. Jade couldn't wait to get to the party so she could see Eric again. She walked through the double doors into the golden room. She felt two hands come around her head and cover her eyes. "Guess who." A voice said.
"Hm... Eric?!"
"Aw how'd you know?"
She turned around to face him. "Lucky guess."
"Would you like to dance?"
"Again? Well, why not. You're a great dancer."
"Why thank you."
She linked her arm with his and they walked out to the floor and began to dance.
"Looks like our parents have met each other." Jade said looking over at her mother and father talking with Eric's mother and father.
"So they have. Is that good or bad?"
"I say that's pretty good." she smiled.
"You have a beautiful smile."
Jade and Eric spent the whole night together.
"Alright, looks like I have to go. I'll see you next week?"
"Yes you will!"
Eric leaned in and gave her a small kiss on the cheek. Jade's cheeks flared up and turned bright red. She watched Eric walk out and then her parents said they were leaving too.


9:38 rolled around but Jade never came. 9:45, 9:56, 10:02 and so on and so on.
"Where could she be?" Oliver thought to himself. "I hope she's alright." Oliver waited all night for her. He mopped the floor and kept occasionally glancing up at the clock. Midnight rolled around but Jade never came.