Status: completed

The Princess and the Outcast


"I hope she'll come tonight." Oliver thought to himself. "Don't keep your hopes up though. She's too good for me. She'd never fall for a guy like me and even if she did, her parents would never allow it. She's rich and I'm... flat broke and straight up poor."
"Oliver? Oliver!" Tony said, waving a hand in front of Oliver's face.
"Huh? Oh sorry... I was just... thinking."
"Ah, about Jade no doubt."
"Well anyway, can you close up shop tonight for me? I'm going to head home early and get to bed. I have to get up early tomorrow morning and go to the city for some ingredients."
"Yeah, sure, I can close up tonight."
"Great. I'll see you at home, bud."
He watched his dad walk out, then grabbed his mop and began to clean.


"I wonder where Eric is..." Jade thought to herself. "I hope he's coming tonight. He said he would... Oh, wait. Is that him?"
She saw Eric on the other side of the room. She began walking over to him and waving but he wasn't looking at her or noticing her. He was too busy talking to the person next to him. As she got closer, Jade saw that Eric was with a girl. Jade stopped dead in her tracks. "Maybe it's his sister or a cousin?" Jade thought hopefully. Eric escorted the girl out to the floor and began to dance with her. He brushed some of her chocolate brown hair out of her face and leaned in and kissed her. Jade was crushed. Tears started to well up in her eyes and she turned on her heel and fast-walked to the back door. She slid out into the night and started to run. She ran right out of her shoes, leaving them on the cold cobble stone path. She burst through the glass door of the cafe and collapsed at a table. Oliver was in the back and heard the door bell jingle violently. He looked at the clock. 9:00. It couldn't be Jade, could it? Who else would it be though? His father maybe? Maybe his dad forgot something... Maybe it was Jade though and she was just early. Oliver walked out to see Jade sitting at a table, her head down and her body shaking. She was sobbing into the table. What could have happened? Why did she come here? What should he do? All these questions bounced around in his head. He slowly walked over to the fragile looking girl. He reached the table and opened his mouth to say something but no words came out. What was he supposed to say?
"Um, do-do you want some ginger ale and a croissant?" he asked.
"Wow. Way to go stupid..." he thought to himself.
Jade looked up and saw Oliver standing there through blurry eyes.
"Oh, hey Oliver. I didn't know you were standing there." she said, wiping away tears and makeup that ran down her cheeks. "Yes. I would love that." She managed a smile. Oliver smiled back and went to the back to get it for her. He came back a few moments later and placed it on the table.
"There you go." he said.
"Oh, thanks." she shuddered.
"Are you cold?"
"Just a little..."
"Well... W-would you like to borrow my sweatshirt?"
"Um..." She hesitated for a moment. "Yeah, that'd be great."
He handed her the blue zip up hoodie and she placed it around her shoulders.
"That's better."
"Oh, good. So... What happened? Are you alright?"
"Um... Yeah I'll be fine..."
More tears began to fall.
"It's ok. You can tell me." Oliver said.
Jade thought for a minute and then reached over and pulled out the chair next to her. "Alright. Sit..."
Oliver sat in the chair next to Jade and listened to her re-tell the events of the night.
"So that's why she didn't come last week. There's a guy... God, I knew it..." He thought to himself. "But it seems like he screwed things up with her pretty badly so maybe I still have a chance? Yeah, right..."
Jade sighed. "Guys suck..." she said.
"Well... Not all of them..." Oliver said.
Jade laughed. "You're right. You're a sweet guy Oliver. Thanks for being there for me. You're the best."
"I try."
She placed her hand on his and looked up into his eyes. Their faces slowly began to get closer.
"Oh no! What time is it?" Jade said, breaking the moment. "Oh dear, I really have to go. My parents are going to notice I'm gone. I'll see you later Oliver!"
"Um, yeah. Ok, bye."
And just like that, she got up and ran out the door, away from him again.