Status: completed

The Princess and the Outcast


When Jade went home, her parents sat her down to talk with her. "Jade, we need to talk to you." her mother said.
"About what?"
"Oliver. That boy is no good, you hear me? You shouldn't be hanging around him."
"It's because he's poor isn't it..."
Silence. Neither parent wanted to admit it. "Well," Jade continued, "I don't care what you say. I love Oliver!"
"Don't say that." Jade's father said. "We are your parents and we're trying to help you see what's best for you."
"But Oliver is a really nice, sweet, funny guy! You don't know him at all! You're just judging him on how much money he has!"
"Jade! You barely know this boy!"
"No! I know him! I love him! I'm not going to let you stop me from seeing him!"
"Jade, you know you can't see that boy again. We just won't allow it."
"I DON'T CARE!" Jade burst into tears and ran to her room, slamming the door behind her. Jade locked herself in her room and refused to come out. Three days passed and Jade's parents began to get worried about her. Jade's father went up to her room and knocked on the door.
"Jade? It's dad. Please let me in. I just want to talk."
No answer.
"Jade? Sweetheart?"
He pulled out his spare key and unlocked the door. "Jade, I'm coming in now." He walked in the room and looked around but Jade wasn't there. He looked over at the open window and realized Jade ran away. "Oh dear god... How am I supposed to tell my wife this? Uh... Honey!"


Jade ran as fast as she could, never looking back. She reached the cafe in due time and exploded in through the door. Tony had left already but lucky for Jade, Oliver was still there. "Jade? What's wrong? Is everything ok? What's going on?"
"I-Ru-Ugh..." She tried to say but she was too out of breath.
"Hold on. Sit down and catch your breath for a minute."
Oliver sat Jade down at a table and waited while she caught her breath.
"Ok. So what's going on?" Oliver inquired.
"Run away with me."