Status: New story. Tell me if you like.

Together Forever

Chapter One

Ch 1

Landon and Derek were Brothers, twins to be exact. Their mom worked for the FBI, so she wasn't around often. That's what made them as close as ever. They knew what the other was thinking, they finished each others sentences when with their friends and family. There was one problem though, Landon loved Derek more than a brother.

Landon's POV

I wake up to the sun shinning through my window. I went down the hall to wake up Derek. I was only in my favorite purple boxers. I stepped into his room and opened the blinds. I then proceeded to get on his bed and shake him. "Lan, two more minutes." He sounds like a big baby. "Derek we have school, get up." He rolled over and pulled me down with him. He wrapped his arms around my waist. "Lan, let's stay home. It's just one day, Mom's away, please." I turned over to look him in the eyes. I sighed, I can never turn his beautiful blue eyes down. "Fine, but just today." He smiled and hugged me to his chest.

We stayed like that til I felt something poke my thigh. My eyes bugged. "Derek by chance, is that your morning wood poking my thigh?" He blushed and let me go so he could go take care of it. I laughed as he came back in. He stood there starring at me. He looks really good, he is in his favorite green briefs. We looked nothing alike yet we were twins. While he had dark brown hair, I had dirty blond. He had dark blue eyes, while I had emerald green ones. We were the same height, six foot, but he was more built than I am and he was slightly more tan.

I didn't even realize he had moved until I felt his arms around me again. He held me so that my back was against his chest. I slowly felt myself going to sleep.

Derek's POV

I held him as he slept. He has been stressed lately. He won't tell me what's wrong, but I know it has to do with me. He stares at me sometimes deep in thought. I help him as he starts to shake and he started yelling. "No, Derek come back! I need you!" I shake him awake. "Lan, what's wrong?" He hugged me for dear life. "Don't leave me." I hugged him back. "Never."

We laid for the whole day. Finally I got hungry and heard Landon's stomach growl. I let go of him and ran downstairs to start dinner. Landon came down after he changed into black shorts and a purple muscle shirt, as I was still in my briefs. I just got my plate and Landon's and set them at the table. Landon sat in front of me like always. We ate the meal I made and we talked about little things.

"Landon is something wrong? He frowned. "Derek I'm just confused about somethings." I got up, walked over to him and sat in his lap. "I don't like you being confused and sad. Will you tell me what's wrong?" He looked up at me. "I don't know Derek." I looked into his eyes. They held an emotion, maybe lust?

Everyone knew Landon was gay, our mom was happy for him and I always knew. I jumped at his arm going around my waist. "Derek, I love you." I giggled. "I love you too, Lan." He got mad. "Not like that Derek. Like more than my brother." Wait, what?!
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This is my first new stoy. Original characters. Tell me if you like and if I should continue.

Landon- Me