Status: New story. Tell me if you like.

Together Forever

Chapter Five

Derek's POV

After we got out and got dressed we laid down on the couch in the livingroom and watched some movies. After about an hour the door bell rang. Lan got up to see who it was. "What up fag? Where's Reck?" I got pissed. Lan came in with one of my so called friends Jeremy Larson. I pulled Lan next to me and put my arm around his waist.

"What do you want Larson?" I spat at him. He smirked, "Came to see if you wanted to join me and the guys going to Carson's party, but it seems you and the fag got it going on here." I let go of Lan and got in Jeremy's face, "Say that again, I dare you." He smirked, "Defending the fag, did he infect you with his jerms? I bet he turned you queer!"

The next thing heard was the crack of his nose and a thud from him hitting the floor, out cold. Lan gasped, he ran up to me. "Dey you didn't have to do that!" I turned to him I caressed his cheek with my hand, "Of course I did. Lan I love you."

He put his hand over mine. "I love you too." And then he pecked my lips. There was a cat call whistle from the door way. We looked up to see my best friend in the whole world other than Lan at the door. Non other than Kacie Spade, in all his glory.

"Dude, I totally knew it! Ha, I can't wait to tell Ang she I right!" Ang is one of our girls in the group, she's a lesbian anyway, she was the hottest girl at our school though right next to our other girl, Val a.k.a Big V. Boys drool over her and girl wish to be her, and other girls want to be with her, but her and Big V are in love and bitches back up.

"Really? No 'Hey' just straight forward I knew it? Jeeze." Lan walks over to K and hugs him. I just stand there, "So what's with the homophobic boy out cold on the floor?" I smirked, "He called Lan a fag so I broke his nose." K walked to him and kicked him in the face, "He deserves it. So Can we throw him out and call Ang up?"

Lan hurried to get his cell and called her while we dragged Larson out into my yard. "Babe! Ang said her and Val are coming over in like five minutes!" After that two hot girls barged in all tangled together and looking like they just woke up.

"Now niggeroes tell me what da hell iz wit this?" Val may be one of the whitest people you will meet, but she believes she's black, and don't dare tell her other wise! Ang and Val have this messed up relationship, they say they are married, and they act it too!

"Big V, my gurl! Listen this isn't easy explaining." We all sat down, Lan on my lap in the love seat, K on the couch next to Big V who had Ang on her lap. "Now, tell me everything!" Ang then squealed, she is such a fan of boyxboy and so on.

We then went on to explain what all happened, we left out the whole sex thing. "And then here we are." K nodded and smiled, "I'm glad you guys are happy, no matter what we got your backs." Big V agreed, "No one gonna mess with my ghetto niggeroes. I will beatz some peoplez down fo that shit." She linked her hand with Ang's. "Guys you have any problems and you come to us, we will always love you guys. And I love your mom ten times more now!"

Just then my phone kept vibrating and blowing it up! I checked it to see messages saying stuff like, 'Queer', 'Fag', 'Nasty', 'I knew it', 'With your brother?!', 'Disgusting', and 'burn in hell'. I guess Larson leaked it out. Lan had his phone out and you could see the emotions on his face. I took his phone and out it with mine on the floor.

I wrapped my arms around him, "Baby don't listen to them. I love you, we love you that's all that matters." He cried now, sobbing. Big V and Ang had our phones and past them to K. Big V looked as pissed as her wife. "WHERE'S MY DAMN FORK WHEN I NEED IT??!! SOMEONE IS GETTING STABBED IN THE NECK!!" Did I mention Ang is insane? "Babez calm. There will be some bashin later, now we need to help." Tonight is gonna be a long night!
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And just so you know, Val and I aren't racist, she's just really weird.