Love at First Fright

Chapter 1

It was another bright sunny California day. I still couldn’t believe I was living here. Of all places I wanted to live. California ended up being the place to for me to move.

Goddamn boyfriend.

You can never trust something that’s 6’0 foot tall and has beautiful ocean blue eyes.

But whatever, I’m stuck here until I can get a better job somewhere else.

I know I’m being rather snippy. But trust me once you really get to know me I’m pretty awesome to hangout with.

I’m Blair Voorhees. Yes, for you horror freaks my last name is that of Jason Voorhees from Camp Crystal Lake.

I was just blessed enough to be given that awesome last name. Pretty sweet deal, I also got blessed with having Blair for a first name from Linda Blair.

My family is way big on the horror movies. They were a bit on the hippy side so they ran with it, when Mum found out she was pregnant with me and my older brother.

But anyways, about myself, I’m about to turn 24 in July. I’m highly excited.

I’m a proud parent of a beautiful camera. Ha, I fooled you didn’t I.

I live for photography. I’m pretty freaking talented. I’ve done photo shots for many bands and models. But I usually reserve my work with bands I like and know.

But I decided to go in a different route. I’m taking up a new client on behalf of my friend David. David usually does shots for Alternative bands. But he’s got a personal issue with family. So I decided to be nice and take up this offer.

I looked at the profile. Avenged Sevenfold, this sounds very interesting.

This could be fun after all.

Cocky fuckers from Orange County, wow I’m in for a laugh.
♠ ♠ ♠

Opinions that of the character. LOl.(: