Love at First Fright

Chapter 2

I ran up the stairs to my bedroom once I finished looking over Avenged Sevenfold’s profile. I need to get dressed for the photo spread today. So I headed straight for the shower.

I decided to dress in my favorite polyvinyl clothing dress with matching knee high boots.

I placed on my spiked necklace and placed on my makeup which consisted of pale white base and black mascara and eyeliner. Last but not certainly lease my blood red lipstick.

Once dressed, I went back downstairs to my office and grabbed my camera bag and accessories.

I grabbed my keys and locked up my apartment and jumped into the car.

Driving always helps relax a person’s mental mind. I find that my best ideas come from this. When I shot Darkthrone’s photo spread we recreated a glorious gaunt fixation with light tones and spread.

I finally arrived at Skinny Pete’s. That’s the place I call home, when I’m not home.

“Blair!” DJ screamed.

“Yes,” I shouted.

“You fucking slut!” She laughed.

“Ha, what did I do now?” I laughed.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were doing a photo shot with Avenged Sevenfold?” She said really fast.

“Because I knew you would wet yourself with excitement. Since Zacky Vengeance is your favorite,” I said laughing.

“So, and your point is what?” She said giggling.

“You’d probably kidnap poor Zacky Vengeance and make him your sex slave,” I said walking to my desk.

“Again, you make that sound like a bad thing. You would’ve done that with Shagrath!” She said looking at me with a smirk.

I blushed. I hated when she was right.

“Okay. Fine you can be there. But if you kidnap Zacky V, I had nothing to do with it!” I said snickering.

“Super, so when are they coming?” She said looking at me across the desk.

“Well, I was hoping they’d be here any moment. But I guess they are taking there sweet ass time.” I said looking annoyed.

DJ looked at me. That’s when we heard talking in the front.

“Hello, is anyone here?” A voice said.
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should i continue?