Love at First Fright

Chapter 4

Blair's POV:

I smiled my usual smile at this guy. I loved fucking with him.

He was completely easy to seduce. I could tell. I jumped off the barstool.

“Stop looking so easy, it’s kind of sad,” I said touching his face with my hands.

I saw his face drop so fast I thought it was melting off.

Of course, would be pretty sweet if it actually was melting off.

I giggled again.

“What’s so funny? You’re creepy,” He said trying not to look at me.

I looked at him.

“Alright, well let’s get this photo shot done with!” I said looking at the guys.

DJ chose that moment to walk in the room. The moment she saw Zacky Vengeance in the flesh, well let’s just say…well he wasn’t standing any longer.

“Slutsky, get off of him! You can have him al you want when the spread is over,” I said grabbing DJ off of Zacky V.

“Wait, who said anything about finishing or doing the photo spread with you after all?” That guy Matt said.

“Well,” I said flashing my teeth. “One way or another you’re going to finish this photo shot. Because over my dead body will you guys leave,” I said smirking.

“Well, we can have that arranged,” Matt said looking satisfied.

“Fine, be my guest, try and have me off, it’s your funeral!” I said walking back to the barstool.

Before I could reach the stool, I felt something touch my back.

I reached behind and brought my hands to the front. I saw blood as deep as crimson dripping from them.

I wasn’t scared; I knew that much I turned around to see who stabbed me.

It was Syn.

With as much strength, I had left I walked closer toward him. Giving him a kiss on the lips, before I dropped to my knees he stabbed me forty-nine more times.

I knew I was fucked. I was dying.

DJ screamed. But they couldn’t leave her there. She was a witness. With that I saw Zacky V cut her throat.

I saw DJ fall at once. My best friend was dead. I had no emotion but sarcasm that she couldn’t see me wait to die.

I saw Syn fall down to eye level with me. Make sure I was dying.

But my mind wasn’t gone. I was still thinking.

Brian’s POV:

I couldn’t believe it.

I snapped.

I stabbed her leaving her to die.

Before the guys could drag my ass out, I dropped down to eye level toward her.

I kissed her once red lips which were turning blue.

She was mine. She always will be. I grabbed her from the floor and held her in my arms.

I couldn’t hear the disgusting voices from the guys. But I didn’t care.

That’s when Shadows grabbed me from the floor and dragged my ass away.

I looked back to see her eyes glass and soft green.

Those eyes will forever haunt me and my eternal soul.
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