Love at First Fright

Chapter 9

Syn's POV:

I heard her scream my name. She’s alive.

My perfection is alive and breathing.

I twisted my smile.

But my smile was suddenly disposed of, when I saw Matt drop her to the ground.

“Fucking bitch, she fucking bite me!” He screamed.

I saw Matt holding the side of his neck and blood dripping from it and his color losing fast.

“Don’t be such a fucking baby, it will heal soon!” Blair said laughing in hysterics.

She continued to giggle in hysterics and then looked at me. Wanting nothing more to drive me wild she licked her blood coaxed lips and smiled deviously.

I saw her get off the floor and walk slowly toward me.

With every step she took my knees buckled. She was my sickness.

I stood there frozen in my catatonic state. She got ever so close.

She was so close that her eyes…a very scary emerald green stare me right in the face.

Still with her blood coaxed lips she grabbed my face and kissed me.

It was everything and more then I possibly could imagine.

But then something didn’t feel right. She was looking at me and laughing.

What was my beautiful muse doing? That’s when I felt it.

The coolness of my life was drifting away in her hands, in one faint swoop.

I saw the same blunt knife I used to kill her, used on me.

The guys were all too stunned to move.

Because they were busy trying to help Matt.

I walked far from her as possible. But it was getting harder to move. Every breath I took was like a pain, and I wanted to stop but I needed to get away.

I though she wanted me. She looked at me with those eyes. Damn those eyes were beautiful.

Haunting and ever so life like, she was supposed to me mine, she wasn’t supposed to get me back.

I thought she felt something for me.

I heard footsteps following me.

She was behind me; I tried the doors outside the back. Again she followed ever so gently.

That’s when I collapsed on the floor of the deck.

“Poor Syn, now you know how it feels to have your life taken forcefully from you!” She said.

“I’m going to sit here and watch you die slowly.” She said laughing.

I laid there slowly dying. I saw her sit beside me and kiss my lips.

I liked how they felt.

I know I’m mad.

But she’s my sickness.
♠ ♠ ♠

i'm sorry it took so long. but please let me know what you think.
