Status: Active. (Based on the novel by Laurie Halse Anderson.)



Homecoming Friday Night Play-By-Play Action:
Looked at French book by Albert Somebody = .25 hours
Printed out English essay Hardy emailed = 2 minutes
AP Art History reaction paper = 15 minutes
IM = monitored constantly- the entire world was away
Doodled breasts in Government textbook = 20 minutes
Surfed online journals = when I got sick of reading away messages
Snack = leftover McDonalds followed by handful of Tums
Thought about ripping out drywall with my bare hands = every other minute
AP Calc = .75 hours before I threw the book in the trash
Played Flesh and Blood = 5 hours


The hand blade trap in Flesh and Blood reminded me of the one in Saw II. I had to find randomly scattered numbers painted in blood all over the wall of the room and hope that I’d find them in the right combination. Anything messed up and the guy’s arms would be sliced off.
And every freaking time so far, I ended up with a double amputee for a “saved” victim. It was hell.
My father’s hell level hadn’t shown up yet. Maybe it was being trapped in an office with a screaming boss whose butt you had to kiss and night. Maybe it was coming home to a wife and kids who bolted for the door when they saw you. Or it was waking up every morning knowing you had to do the same exact thing you did the day before and the day before, like the guy who had to roll the boulder up the mountain over and over, except you’d know that when you died there’d be no relief, because you were already dead and this was what you won as the booby prize in the game of Eternal Soul Roulette.
I wondered what the devil would say to my father. Would they watch football? Discuss the bond market?


I fell asleep with my head on my desk.


Dad woke me up at five A.M. He was already dressed for work: black suit, white shirt, grey tie. He said he had to go to the office early.
I didn’t tell him it was Saturday. I wasn’t in the mood for a confrontation.
♠ ♠ ♠
One more down, one more left for the night.
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