Girl at the rock show

Chapter 27.

I figured Max would wake me up when he got back but he didn't. I look at the clock. It's almost 11. I get up and take a shower. I kinda feel mute right now. And I don't know what's wrong with me. I need max. I've missed him. 
Someone knocks on the door. 
" babe." 
" yeah." I manage to choke up. 
" can I come in."  
" No, never." I say. Joking of course. 
He comes in. 
" how are you feeling?" he asks. 
" a little better. I really just need to be with you." I say. 
" you want me to come in?" 
" no." I laugh." I mean like. I need to hug you and kiss you 
" I bet it be better if I came in."  
" oh my god, shut up" I laugh. 
I draw the curtain back. 
" don't even bother reaching for a towel." Max smirks. 
" gross" I grab a towel and wrap it around me. 
" you suck. I haven't gotten a piece of you in a while" he frowns. 
" mmmm. Maybe later." 
" why not now." he asks. Moving closer. 
I kiss him. 
"because I don't enjoy being wet during sex..." I laugh. " now I feel kinda violated that you saw me like that." 
" I'm your husband, it's fine. If it was like Hal or anyone else...ya know." 
"speaking of which. Did they ever get girls?" 
"nah" he says. 
I wrap the towel around my hair and get dressed.
" I have two girl friends of mine..." 
" as you've said before." 
"zip me up?" I ask turning around. I'm wearing a pink almost peach dress with a black belt. 
I take off the towel from my head. 
I put on red lip stick and mascara. 
" babe. Are you going on a date I don't know about?" max asks. 
" we should go out tonight. Just me and you." 
" hm. Since you brought it up. Let me do something kinda romantic for you." he says. " I already have an Idea... Vinny!" max calls as he leaves. I finish my make up and start to curl my hair. I take a picture with my cell phone. After I put on my tights and  black heels. I post it on twitter. 
" I need friends tonight" I write.
" max!" I call. 
" yeah?" he asks. Coming back to the bedroom.  
" can we do a limited meet and greet.. Like now. This outfit is too nice to sit around in." 
" go ahead. Do. First 150 people. I'll get Vinny to print 150 wristbands. " 
" thanks love" I smile. I kiss his cheek. 
" hey new jersey. At 12:00pm, the first 150 people get a wristband and get to come meet me and maybe max." I put in one tweet.
" Come on down to the venue. Don't forget you can meet us after the show tomorrow  but I'm too dolled up now to waste it"  
I walk out to the kitchen. 
" whoa... Did you get a new husband?" Hal asked. 
" dude you look fucking beautiful." Garrett says. 
" like I know that you always do but damn girl" 
I smirk. I grab a muffin from the bread box, a plate and fork.
" oh now we are too good for hands." Hal says. 
" Hey. Caleen. I'm gonna go set up the ropes inside. Just come meet me when you are done. I'll start passing out wristbands when you confirm everything" he smiles. 
" thanks" I smile back. 
" Caleen." Garrett whispers. " are you sleeping with him?" 
" what the hell are you talking about.." ask.   
" you're really friendly today" Hal says. 
" I'm happy to see you guys?" I say and eat. " you guys are freaks. I'm not stupid enough to cheat. I love Max.." I say. 
I finish eating and head out to help Vinny. 

I stand inside waiting for the fans. Max might be coming but I'm not sure. 
I think I need to sit down and talk with Vinny. I need to get somethings off my chest. 
I see two girls come in first. I notice her right away. 
" Alice!" 
" hi Caleen!" 
I hug her. 
" how have you been Hun. You havent called" 
" I was too nervous. There was some times when I should've but I'm okay." 
" honey. Pretend I'm your best friend. Just call." 
She nods. 
I hug her and her friend takes a picture. 
" thanks for coming. I'll see you tomorrow right?" I ask. 
" yup." she says. 
" call me if you want or need anything hon" I say. 
She walks off. I text Vinny. " I need to talk to you later. I need to get something off my chest before it kills me." 
Max comes in when the next few fans come in. 
" we need to talk.." he says. 
" god, what did I do?" I ask. 
" Vinny?" he says. 
" nothing is happening with me and Vinny?" I say. 
" well. Hal and Garrett sa-" 
" that I was making googily eyes with him?" I say. " I asked him for help this morning sorry I was being nice." 
" wow you look beautiful" a fan says. 
" Aw thank you." I say. 
" max don't be like this. I'm talking to Vinny later about something but it's nothing. I swear. I love you." 
I lean up to kiss him. He kisses me. 
" aww!" the girls around chirp. 
" I trust you. Okay. I've got to get things done so I'll see you later." he says. 
Max walks off. 
" you guys are too cute." one girl says. 
" can we see your ring?" another asks. 
I hold out my hand. 
" wow. That's so pretty." 
" can we get a picture?" they ask. 
" of course!" I say. 
They take the picture. 
" are you guys coming tomorrow?" I ask. 
" we wish. It's sold out." 
" Aw man. I'm sorry about that. Ill see if Vinny can get some more. So check twitter. I hope to see you tomorrow." 
" thanks so much. That'd be awesome." 
" of course." 
They walk off. 

Later after everyone is gone. 
" so that was cool. I met a lot of the fans while they were in line. They are awesome" Vinny says. 
" heck yes they are." I say. 
" so what is that we need to talk about." he asks. 
" I feel bad for doing all this. I feel controlling and I feel like you hate doing this for me. I ask for so much and I feel terrible." 
" Caleen. You do a lot for us too. This is all part of being in a band. I get it. You want to meet fans. It's awesome. And I really don't mind." 
" oh god. Thank you. That was eating me up inside. One thing. Is there anyway to get some tickets open for tomorrow?" 
" I'll see and ill let you know." he smiles. 
" thank you" I hug him. " I have to go find Max now..." I sigh. 
I run off in my heels out to the bus. 
I tweet from my phone. 
" you guys came out in the snow to see me. Thanks so much" 
" max?" I call. 
He doesn't answer. 
" Garrett where is max?" I ask. 
" he went to the store. I think." 
" why would he need to do that." I ask. 
" cigs." 
" why would he need those. He stopped months ago..." I say. 
Garrett goes wide eyed. 
" shit.  I'm sorry. I thought you knew." he says. 
" I needed to know" i say. 
" why would he start again...." 
I plop on the couch next to garrett. 
" tour does it to him. It's typical." garrett says. 
" I feel like I've failed. He told me never again..." 
Max walks in. 
" oh hey. How'd the meet and greet go?" he asks. 
I'm kinda fighting back tears at this point because I'm angry. 
" fine.." I bite my tounge. 
" what's wrong?" 
" you." I say getting up and marching off into the bathroom. 
" what the hell." max says. 
" Caleen. What's wrong." 
" I thought things were okay." I say. 
" what happened?" he asks. 
I open the door. 
" empty your pockets..." I say. 
" why?" he asks.  
" max, just do it." 
" Caleen, I don't get what your tr-" 
" just do it.." I say. 
He sighs. He pulls out his phone. Pauses a moment and then a new pack of cigarettes. 
I nod slowly. 
" when were you gonna tell me" 
" I wasn't." 
" cause I wouldn't be able to smell it right?" 
" I didn't think. I'm sorry." 
" was it me?" I ask. 
" you were gone. I missed you. I was freaking out." 
" I'm sorry. You know. I really need you right now. I've barley hugged or kissed you and I need you. That's all I want. What is it you want." 
" the same thing." he says.
 I wrap my arms around him. 
" I missed you. And I feel disconnected. I'm ready to be home again. Me and you. Tour is just a lot." I say.
" i know. And we still have a while. But we can do this. You're my baby girl, my wife. My love."  
I smile. " I love you max" I say.