Status: This story is dead...until further notice!


-Bringing Her Back

Meet Kina, an average teenage Goth…gone horribly wrong.
When she awoke…she was covered in gashes.

Most were easily concealed.

Not so much…

At the moment where she was able to heal…she went to a bench and started to mumble something.
She was casting, of course, and the results…were immense!

Not many things could hold her attention anymore.
She was always looking back upon what happened.
But not with anger, however, did she do so.

‘Twas more like she was envious of the memory, since it NEVER seemed to forget.

This may seem like an understatement or a well underdone reaction…but for Kina…it’s actually more than would be expected.

Her sister, Loana, was starting to notice…

She’d just see Kina looking around, not really at anything in particular, and smile.

Loana wasn’t a whole lot to look at, or so she said, but she was a mix of deadest punk and deep Goth.