Status: This story is dead...until further notice!


-A Little Enlightenment

Renu’s POV:

*soft chuckle*
“So, it’s done?” I asked.
“Yes…she’s in.”
“How well did she handle it?” I asked.
“Just as you did…”
“REALLY?” I asked, a little surprised.
“Yep, and she doesn’t remember a thing!”
“Wait…*groan*….She’s SUPPOSED to remember, you NIT!” I groaned, very annoyed.
“She will in time, Renu…just let her try and sort things out. Remember the LAST time you tried to rush someone into remembering?”

Perhaps I should explain…

My clan, Kano Thunder, is budding cousin to the one Kina was wanting in. Everyone thinks that we’re rival clans, when we actually RELY on each other!
She was planning on joining the Cluster Clash, but that chance…*smile*…never came.


You might think that a Goth clan is some weird little joke…but you’re wrong.
We follow a very strict set of rules in our clan, one of which is always living:
If you are selected by ‘HER’, you are to be killed and reborn by ‘HER’.

Now, I’m not saying that we’re sticklers for fun or anything…but there are some who actually do follow tradition. As the co-leader of Kano Thunder, I have certain…duties to carry out.
One of which being…I have to make the lists of what people could make suitable targets for me to follow up on.

The counsel isn’t what it used to be, but nevertheless is still up and standing…even the stands of chair.