It's Kind of a Funny Story


“Aaron, did you talk to Sarah yet?” Jonathan asked me.

“I just came back from her place,” I smiled and saw him spaz out in the corner of my eye.

“And that’s all you’re going to tell me?” he practically screamed.

“I didn’t know you liked to gossip,” I smirked.

“You’ve been the one gossiping and moping these past three days. I had to listen to you tell me over and over again about the ultimatum she gave you.”

“Well I thought it was a big deal,” I huffed, “it isn’t everyday one of your best friends tells you, you have to choose between being friends or going out.”

“You had it coming, man,” he said and sat next to me on the couch. After a moment he raised his eyebrows impatiently. “So?”

“Ok, fine I’ll tell you,” I said and he rolled his eyes. “You know what already happened: I left right after we talked at hers. The last thing I said to her was ‘I get it, but give me a couple days to think about this.’ She didn’t say anything back. I don’t really blame her. For confronting me, you know? She deserved an explanation. It’s not every day you go around kissing one of your best friends.”

“Well I don’t know about you,” Jonathan laughed and when I glared at him he shut up.

“So I’ve been thinking.”

“Why did it take three fucking days? Three days?”

“I didn’t know what to do. I hadn’t ever thought about asking her out. We just kissed drunk one day. It was nothing special. But then I kept wanting to kiss her. She’s a really good kisser. She has the softest lips. And skin.”

“Dude, come on! I don’t wanna think about her like that!”

“I don’t want you to either,” I scoffed. “So I was thinking. It wouldn’t be terrible if we went out. I didn’t want to ruin the friendship though. Plus, there’s the whole she might like me more than I like her thing. I didn’t mind when she told me that she had a crush on me. I was flattered actually. But I still didn’t want to change us. Then three days ago she yells at me and tells me I have to choose.

At first I didn’t want to choose. I wanted to keep doing whatever we were doing. Maybe be friends with benefits. But it’s Sarah. She’s not that kind of girl. Then I thought we should just be friends. It would be weird to date her. But I also wanted to do more than friendly things to her. So I made up my mind. I went to her place this morning.”

“And?” he asked impatiently.

“I told her pretty much the same thing I told you. I was confused. But I didn’t want to be less than I was now. You know in terms of sex. You don’t wanna be downgraded to friend after you get a taste of what you could have. She got mad at first. She was all, ‘I don’t want you to choose to be more than friends just because you want to have sex. I want you to choose that because you want to be with me!’ I knew I fucked up then. I couldn’t think of anything to say. So she kept yelling. You know how she gets. She was saying things like, ‘If you really don’t know which one you want you obviously don’t like me like that, because if you did it would be an easy choice.’ Then I told her to sit down and shut up. But I said please.

She did. It took a minute to think of what I was going to say. Then I said, ‘I came here to tell you I want to be more than friends. Is that still an option or are you too pissed at me?’ She rolled her eyes and did that thing with her head. And then said, ‘I don’t want you to be with me because you have to.’ ‘You gave me an ultimatum!’ I said. Then she was all, ‘But you don’t have to think about me in your choice. If you don’t like me you don’t like me.’

I was confused then. She was saying two different things. Then I said, ‘Sarah, I like you. You know that.’ ‘No, I don’t!’ she said, ‘You never told me you did.’ And I said, ‘You should know that already. You’re one of my best friends. We hang out all the time. We never run out of things to talk about. The question isn’t about whether I like you. I could, and have, spent twenty-four hours straight with you and never got bored. The question is whether or not I’m attracted to you. And I am.’ She didn’t say anything for a while. She looked like she was thinking. So I said, ‘I have always liked you. I wouldn’t be your friend if I didn’t like you. I was just hesitant to cross the boundary of liking you to lusting after and possibly loving you.’

Then she said, ‘So if I hadn’t made you choose what you do? Like if I had never said anything three days ago would you want to go out?’ I thought about it. And then I said, ‘I would want to hang out with you just as much. And I would still want to make out with you. And do more. I may not have asked you out on a proper date, but I was leaning in the direction of spending more alone time with you.’

She blushed then and smiled. She’s cute sometimes. A lot of times. Then she said, ‘So what now?’ ‘You tell me,’ I said, ‘I told you which one I chose.’ Then she got up and came real close to me. Her hands were over mine and she said, ‘Well then let’s get on making that happen.’ Then we kissed. And then, well, you know…”

“You whore!” Jonathan said girlishly and pushed me. “Were you with her all day?”

“Yeah, we spent the day in bed,” I smirked.

He whistled and threw an arm around me, “I am so happy for you two.”

“Thanks man.”

“You guys are together right?”

“We have a date tomorrow night.”

“Yes! I’m going to call her right now!”

“Tell her I said hi.”
♠ ♠ ♠

Ok, last one. Thank you to everyone who read, subscribed, commented, anything. I was totally iffy about this story when I started writing it because I had always written with typical narration instead of all dialogue, but in the end I really liked this. Later. <3