Status: Active

Can't Hold Back


I decided I didn't want the stress of Owen being over right now. I had enough going on and really wasn't in the mood to fight with him tonight. I wasn't even sure if I could handle our relationship anymore, but I don't know how to tell him that.

Would ending me and Owen help me and Rayce's situation? I doubt it, but there was always the chance that it would make him see how much I was ready to settle with him.

"Hey Owen." I said when he answered the phone.

"What's up Becks?"

"Can you come over for a bit?"

"Yea, are you OK?"

"I'm fine I just want to chill and talk."

"Give me like ten tops and I'll be there."

I hung up with him, I wanted to talk to him about us, I want to figure out what's going on.

I laid in bed and tried to clear my head. I was at my breaking point, and I couldn't play games anymore.

Owen came up the steps,

"Hey babe."

"What's up?"

"Not much just thinking."

"About?" I asked wanting to know what he knew if anything.

"Us, being together for ever. Being happily married, with three kids and a dog and house in the country."

"Owen, your thinking to far ahead, you think our life is set in stone, but it's not, nothing is set in stone. You think we are going to be together for ever, but Owen I'm only sixteen, people change, I will change, my interest will change. Nothings set in stone."

"Becks, when I say I love you, I mean it."

"But I don't know if I love you anymore Owen."

He frowned, pissed off, I could tell.

"So what does that mean, that its over?"

"Owen, I just don't know."

"Well Becks, its not hard to see you don't want to be with me anymore, so I'm drawing the line, It's over, I'm not going to be a toy, I'm sorry."

He got up and walked out.

I wanted to cry, wanted to feel sad, but I felt relieved, like I just took the stress off my shoulders. Like all the pain just went away, but in the back of my head I knew this wasn't the end, I had made my decision, Now it was Rayce's turn.

I know what I'm doing to Dana isn't right, but now more than ever I believe I'm better for him, and that he would be happier with me in his arms than her. That he would never have to worry again, or be treated like she treats him. That he would be able to say I love you and actually mean it. All I want is for him to be happy.

'It's over, me and Owen.' I texted Rayce.

I closed my phone not really expecting a reply because of him being with Dana.

My phone rang.

"Rayce, aren't you with Dana?"

"I stepped out for a few, what's going on?"

"I can't do this anymore Rayce, I can't take the stress, he was talking about being together forever, and I know that's not what I want, I want to be with you, and I've made my choice, and I will wait till you make yours."

He was silent, but still on the other end, I could hear the wind blowing through the phone.


"Becks, how long are you going to wait? You're beautiful, word gets out your single, if someone else comes along and picks you up before I get to..."

"Rayce, stop, no one can sweep me off my feet like you did the moment I met you, you are the love of my life, and I have never wanted something as badly as I want to be with you."

"Becks, I have to go, I love you and I will text you then we can talk."

"Love you too Ray." I said a little disappointed.

I hung up with him and stared at my ceiling.