Status: Finished

Golden Slumbers


Everything is getting worse. My mom’s still in her bed, and I’m gonna call a doctor after I finish this. (Sounds cold hearted, yes, but she just screamed at me to go away, so I want to wait a bit before getting the phone, which is in her room)
And then there’s Till. He tempts me every fucking day, every time we’re together. I want to pull him close to me, taste his mouth, run my fingers along the smooth skin his clothes hide.
Fuck. And I can’t be thinking like this, cause....just cause. I can’t keep my hands away, can’t stop my mouth from saying what I really want. Till.
It’s a couple hours later now. I called the doctor, and told him what Mom’s been like. He told me to call 911, and I started to freak, but I called. The ambulance came and EMTs ran into our house, wheeling a stretcher.
They looked at me like I was dumb when they saw how bad Mom’s room is. I guess I am dumb. Four of the guys had to wheel her off the bed, cause she was screaming and fighting them like....she was on drugs or something, I guess.
It scared the shit out of me. I felt like a little kid, I just wanted her to calm down and be alright again. I was still standing in her room when one of the EMTs ran back in and grabbed my arm.
“Aren’t you coming, kid?” I stared stupidly at him. “Huh?” “You’re her son, right? You’re listed as her next of kin.”
I followed him onto the ambulance. Mom was still screaming, her face a scary shade of red, veins bulging from her neck as she struggled against the straps. I couldn’t understand most of what she was saying. They couldn’t even give her a sedative, cause turns out sedatives are way more dangerous and complicated than the movies say.
When we got to the hospital they brought her to a ward, rather than a room. It took a few minutes before one of the doctors came over and spoke to me. I was watching them hold her down, leaving purple marks on her arms when they gripped too tightly. One guy finally came along and made her a sedative, which made her relax, staring blankly at the ceiling.
The doctor blocked my view of her and smiled carefully. “You’re Oli Tohru, right?” “Yes. Is my mom gonna be okay?” “She’s not physically ill, if that’s what you mean. A little dehydrated, maybe, but nothing big.”
I chewed on my snakebites, waiting for him to continue. “How long will she be here?”“She’ll be staying here for....a while.” “What do you mean by a while?”
The doctor hesitated, hunching his shoulders slightly. “Probably weeks....possibly months.” “Months? My mom could be gone for months?” He suddenly looked stern and frowned at me.
“Your mother has a severe mental illness. I’m surprised you didn’t call earlier, because you really should have. Until we can diagnose what’s wrong, and get her steady, I really can’t give you an answer.”
“She’s done this before! Why is it so bad this time?” The doctor grabbed my shoulder in a tight grip and pulled me down to a chair. He was stronger than he looked. “You mean to tell me, that your mother has gone into a catatonic state before, and you didn’t think it was worth telling?”
“Um....I got used to it.” He looked at me like I was the stupidest person imaginable. I feel like the stupidest person imaginable. He started asking me questions then, about when this happens, how often, what it’s been like before.
It took about an hour, but he finally told me she probably has clinical depression. I’m not going to see my mom for weeks. It’s my fault. I should’ve known that’s not normal.
At least she’ll get better now, and maybe she’ll come back again, smile at me like she used to, play video games and joke about whooping my ass when I beat her.
I even cleaned her room for her, replaced the sheets, threw everything away so it’ll be nice when she comes back. I’m sitting alone in my house, fearing every noise, wishing I had someone here.
At least the insurance will pay for the doctors, and now that my mom’s officially hospitalized, her work is paying her even though she’s not in. It’ll cover the heat and electricity bills. But I’m still alone.