Status: Finished

Golden Slumbers


School ended today. Ms. G didn’t make us turn our journals in. She told us to keep writing. I still have lots of pages left, so I guess I will. For the past weeks I’ve been spending as much time with Oli as possible. In a different situation we would be moving too fast, but I want as much of Oli as I can have in the short time I have left.

The only thing we haven’t done is say ‘I love you’. I know I love Oli, and I’m pretty sure he loves me, but if he says that I don’t think I can bear to leave him. I leave for California in two day. I almost decided to stay behind with Oli, go to University of New Hampshire with him, but we both have our dreams, our choices. I’ve always wanted to live in California, at least for a bit, and Oli’s dad went to New Hampshire.

But.....he even came out to his mom with me. The look in her eyes made me jealous, if I’m honest. My dad never looks at me with acceptance and love. But Oli is happy, and that’s more important. Right now I’m waiting for him to get home from work.

I already think of this house as my home. I know Oli will be sweaty and grease stained, but still handsome. I think this will be my last entry for a while. I don’t want to remember leaving Oli.