Status: Active

The CrossRhodes of Life

The CrossRhodes Of Life- Ch2

I couldn't go back to sleep after that weird dream last night because it really freaked me out. So I got up around 6:30am and packed my suitcase and all of my things so I would be ready for our flight at 8:30. Cody must have made his way to his bed sometime last night because he was buried under his covers with a pillow mountain over his head sleeping like a baby. I jumped on his bed, shaking it
M- "Cody! Cody wake up! Wake up! Your gonna make us late if you don't!" I yelled. I heard him groan from under the covers. As much stuff as he was covered in, I'm surprised he could breath!
C- "Kenzie why are you yelling! I can hear you just fine" he said looking at the digital clock on the night stand and groaned again "Do you have any idea what time it is?" he asked pulling another pillow over his head
M- "Yeah I know what time it is. It's 7:10. That gives you enough time to shower, pack, and get breakfast. Now get your butt out of this bed or so help me I'll pour a bucket of ice on you! Get up NOW!" I said pulling the covers off of him
C- "God I swear you act just like mom" he said heading to the bathroom
I went down the hall to the elevator to go downstairs to the hotel cafe' in the lobby but the elevator stopped on a flour and the double doors opened and Matt Hardy walked in.
MH- "Morning Cupcake"
I just blushed. He started calling me Cupcake when we went to the beach once and he saw my cupcake tattoo because I was wearing a bikini. He thought it was the sexiest thing so the name stuck
M- "Hey Matt. How's Jeff?"
MH- "He's fine. I talked to him a few days ago. He's glade to be back on TNA. I'll tell him you asked about him"
M- "Okay. Where are you headed?"
MH- "The hotel cafe'"
M- "Oh me too. Mind if I join you?"
MH- "Not at all Kenzie" he said offering me his arm. I tucked my arm in his and we went into the cafe', got some coffee and sat in a booth
MH- "So how have you been lately? We haven't talked in a while"
M- "Well that's because when you got back from your injury, you started dating Tiffany. You never seemed to have time for me anymore"
MH- "I'm sorry Kenzie. I didn't know you felt that way. I promise to make it up to you when we get to Miami"
M- "You better" I said jokingly. Matt laughed. After we finished, it was 7:40 and we both headed back to our rooms. Before the elevator doors opened to his floor, Matt pulled me into a bear hug.
MH- "I've really missed you Cupcake. I hope we get to spend some time together when we get to Florida." he said looking into my eyes.
Just then, the doors opened and revialed Ted. When he saw me in Matt's arms, a frown came across his face as he looked from me to Matt. Another look shot across his face but I just couldn't tell what it was. Matt and I separated, leaving the elevator
MH- "Hey Ted. See you later Cupcake" he said going down the hall to his room. Ted looked at me strangely, then at Matt still walking down the hall so I tried to change the subject
M- "Hey what's up?" I asked awkwardly
T- "I've been trying to call you but never got an answer to see if you wanted to get some coffee but it looks like you already went...with Hardy" he said raising an eyebrow
M- "Oh god, I'm sorry Ted. I left my phone in my room. I'm sorry" I said in a baby voice, wrapping my arms around his neck, giving him my puppy dog eyes
T- "Aww that's cute. It's okay. Come on let's head back to your room. It's almost time to go" he said kissing my forehead.
We met Cody outside our room with mine and his luggage
C- "Hey Kenzie...Ted. Ready to go?"
M- "Yup.Glade to see you've raised from the dead" Ted laughed
T- "I told him not to drink so much"
Cody- "Ha ha very funny. Can you two stop talking so loud? My head feels like it's going to fall off my shoulders any second now"
M- "I'm sorry Codes. Am I talking too loud for you!!!" I said really yelling now
C- "Very funny Kenzie. Let's go"
We checked out and gave our room keys back then drove to the airport and boarded the WWE Superstars' private jet to our next destination, which was my favorite place, Miami, Florida!
Ted and I sat next to each other and Cody sat across from us with Eve. I noticed that Ted was acting kinda funny and stiffened whenever I touched him and was very quiet
M- "Ted? Is something wrong?"
T- "Nope, nothing at all"
M- "Then why are you acting like you don't want me to touch you?"
T- "Kenzie what's going on with you and Matt?
M- "What? Is that why your acting like I have a disease? Because I was hugging Matt? He's a good friend. Why are you acting like we were making out or something?"
T- " If the elevator didn't stop, I'm sure you would have been screwing around with him!"
M- "I... I don't want to talk about this" I said, eyes filling with tears
T- " Oh we're going to talk about it. Just wait until we get to the hotel" he said turning his face to the window
The hotel
We got off the plan and caught a cab. The drive to the hotel was quiet until we got there and Ted slammed the door, making me jump
T- "So tell me again what happened in the elevator"
M- "Matt and I haven't talked that much since he came back and he was just giving me a hug. Ted I don't know why your mad. I didn't do anything wrong" I said crying
T- "So what, have you slept with him too? Huh? After Christian rejected you?!?"
M- "Ted..why are you yelling at me? Who told you about Christian?"
T- "Cody, who else? He told me how you acted like a slut and slept with him and he rejected you the next morning."
Tears streamed down my face. Why was Ted acting like such a monster? He was always so sweet to me before now.
M- "Ted, I think I should leave so you can calm down" I said making my way to the door. As soon as I touched the knob, he grabbed my arm forcefully
T- "No your going to stay right here!" he said tightening his grip on my arm
M- "Ted let go your hurting me!" I said wiggling my arm, trying to make him let go. Then he slammed me against so hard, I hit my head and my vision blurred
Ted's P.O.V
After her head hit the wall, she started crying harder, which really pissed me off
T- "Shut up!" I yelled, slapping her across the face, then I clamped one hand around her neck and the other around her forearm. Damn she looked so sweet and innocent, it made me want her so bad
T- "I don't want you around Matt. I don't want you talking to him, in his presence, hell I don't even want you to look at him EVER! Do you understand me?" I said tightening my grip around her neck.
M- "Yes Ted, please let me go I can't breathe" she begged
I let go of he roughly. Then I started kissing her neck, picking her up with her legs around my waist, her back against the wall. She resisted, pushing me away
M- "No Ted please don't. Please Ted your hurting me!" she yelled crying
But her pleas only made me want her more. I reached my hand up her dress and ripped off her thong, pulled down my pants and pushed myself inside of her roughly and she cried softly as I pleasures myself for the next hour and came deep inside her unprotected
Makenzie's P.O.V
After he was done with me, he let me go and left without saying a word. I crawled into bed and wept silently until I fell asleep. That night my dreamed went back to where I left off last night. I was on the floor in my bloody torn dress and my face was black and blue. I was crying huddled in the corner of the room, hearing the Wedding March play. The door burst open and Ted came in and dragged me to the alter. We said our vows and he snatched my hand and forced the ring on my finger. Then when it was time to kiss me he did and it was the worst kiss in my life. The preacher said "I know pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Ted DiBiase" and Ted looked at me evilly and grinned "Till death do us part sweetheart" he said dragging me to the car waiting outside and pushed me in and we sped away.