Status: Active

The CrossRhodes of Life

The CrossRhodes Of Life- Ch5

The door burst open and there stood Cody, like is big brother senses were tingling because he knew I was doing something wrong. When he saw me on top of Christian, anger flickered across his face
C- "Makenzie what the hell are you doing?!?"
M- "Cody..I...we" I shuddered, still in shock
C- "Save it! Get up now! Ted sent me looking for you and I find you here of all places" he said pulling me off of Christian and out the door
M- " Get your hands off of me Cody!" I said snatching my arm away, fixing my shirt and hair
We got to our dressing room and thank GOD Ted wasn't there
C- "God Kenzie what is wrong with you? You just can't keep your panties on for anybody, like it's your nature to instantly drop your panties for guys! Now why the hell were you in Christian's room in the first place? I can't even look at you right now! I don't know how I could be related to such a slut!" he yelled in my face
Tears rushed out of my eyes. So the truth finally comes out. So Cody does think I'm a slut and for the first time, he actually said it to my face.
M- "Cody...I'm just happened...Please don't tell Ted, Cody I'm begging" I said. I knew if he told Ted, he was going to hurt me. Maybe if I told him what Ted did to me, he would have sympathy.
C- "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't tell him" he said folding his arms across his chest
I lifted my shirt and he saw the dark bruises "He beat me Cody. If you tell him about this there's no telling what he'll do to me. He might kill me Cody. Is that what you want?"
C- "God Kenzie what did you do to make him so mad? Knowing you. you probably deserved it"
I gasped, not believing he just said that to me. He must really hate me right know to say such a mean thing
M- "Cody! He got mad because he saw me hugging Matt! I didn't do anything!" I cried
C- "Whatever Makenzie. To you, you never do anything wrong. I'm not letting you get away with this one. Your a nasty little slut and you deserve everything that's about to come to you" he said then stormed out of the room, going to find Ted no doubt. I cried as I got dressed

for my match. I tried to stop crying but I was afraid of what Ted was going to do to me when he found out about what I did. When I finally pulled myself together, I went to the curtain. Matt looked at me and frowned
MH-"Where were you? I've been looking everywhere"
M-"Matt..I did something horrible. When you text me I was..." I was cut off when they started playing his music
MH-"That's me. You can tell me after the match okay" he said going through the curtain
M- "No Matt...."I said, but he was already gone. Them my music "Poker Face" blared through the arena and the fans went crazy. I slapped hands with a few people as I made my way to the ring.
"And his partner, weighing at 130 pounds. From Marietta, Georgia, Makenzie Rhodes!" said Todd Grisham
FFW to the end of the match(feeling lazy)
After I hit Jillian with the Cross Rhodes, I got the pin and we won! I jumped into Matt's arms and he gave me a I-can't-breath hug. Then I heard the familiar music play
Yeeeaahhhhh Pricelessss!!!!!!!
My heart started to pound as Ted maid his way to the ring. He got in, glared at Matt, then took me by the hand and led me into his dressing room. He closed the door then leaned up against it, looking at me like I disgusted him
T-"You better start talking or I'm going to lose my patience" he barked at me
M-" Ted...I'm sorry. Please I didn't mean to. it just happened..I'm sorry" I said walking over to him and put my hands on his chest, but he shoved me hard against the wall and I let out a cry of pain because my arm hit the wall where they were badly bruised
T- "Is that where you were when I texted you?"
I cried silently, nodding my head. Ted turned his back to me, shaking his head, then he turned around and backhanded me so face, I didn't see it coming and fell to the floor from the blow.
T-"What the hell am I going to do with you, Makenzie? Your such a worthless slut!" he swore at me
M-"Ted I'm sorry. Please I didn't mean it, Teddy I love you" I sobbed,holding the side of my face. He reached down and took my hand from the side of my face,pulling me into a hug
T-"I love you too Makenzie but I won't have you being unfaithful to me, do you understand?"
I nodded and kissed him softly
M-"I love you Teddy"
T-"I love you too. Come on lets go"
When we got to the hotel, Ted started kissing my neck. When we made it to the bedroom, I realized I was naked and so was he. One thing led to another and now here we are, trying to catch our breath, a little sweaty. Ted looked over at me and gave me a satisfied smirk
T-"You still alive over there?"
M-"Surprisingly. God Ted, what were you trying to do paralyze me? I'm going to be sore for days!"
T-"Good. That means I'm doing my job right" he said pulling me on top of him, snaking his arms around my lower back. I rested my head on his chest, listening to the sound of his heart beat, just like I was earlier but with Matt. I toyed with the cupcake charm on my necklace as Ted traced my tattoo
M-"Teddy that tickles" I said holding my head up to look at him
T-"Mmm oh really?" he said grabbing my ass with a squeeze.
I squealed then kissed him lovingly. First his lips, then his jawline, then his spot on his neck and he let out a moan
T-"You little tease" he said kissing me
M-"What did I do?" I said innocently, reaching down to feel his very hard little friend. Wait, did I say little? Little was a BIG understatement. I felt him stiffen at my touch then relax
T-"Damn you. I'll show you not to tease me. If you thought you would be sore in the morning, you won't be able to get out of this bed once I'm done with you" he growled, rolling me on my back and we went into Round Two