Status: This is my first story. I usually write scifi/fantasy, but I feel that I may need to bring my writing back down to earth, and start a thriller bank robbery story.

The Hostage Take

It takes both guts and sweat to start and finish the job when it comes to advancing into a bank robbery. Yet, it may take brains and nerves to be a robbery suspect, it takes blood to finish the job. Both the police department and the most notorious of criminals are driven into the most thrilling fight to end city lawlessness. From Waco, Texas to New York City, America's top organizations of armed forces are called into duty, with honor and a motive to serve and protect the public. Organized criminals and the most dangerous felons face the nation's most robust policing force in the tense encounters of bank heists and fragile hostage situations. Now, five years after the infamous Waco hotel heist, both the police and the most elite suspect the worst of one of the nation's worst criminal bank robber's future plans, and hurry to end the plan to kill hundreds of people, and to place a criminal at the top of the pyramid; in political power.