Let's Walk Through the Fire Together

Drea and Drue are sisters who have been hunting supernatural creatures since a young age. Their parents were killed by an unknown creature when Drea was 6 and Drue was 1. Since then they have been under the care of their uncle, Bobby Singer.

Bobby along with John Winchester taught the girls everything they needed to know, and then some about hunting. The girls were often left alone while Bobby and John went hunting.

Drea is ultimately the leader of the two, due to her being the oldest and often having to take care of Drue while Bobby was off on hunting trips.

Drea can often be seemingly cold-hearted and rough, but deep down she cares deeply about her family and she will do anything and everything to protect them. She is incredibly skilled in hand to hand combat as well as yielding weapons. Her weapons of choice include an IWI Baby Eagle, a set of two tiger pearl handled butterfly knives, and a Barnett Jackal crossbow.

Drue is more of the lively one of the sisters. She is always often lighthearted and cheery, and can lighten the darkest of situations.

Drue is an exceptionally skilled marksman with any type of weapon. Her favorites are her IWI Baby Eagle, that matches Drea's, her set of Ninja Stars and her sawed off shot gun. She is also skilled in hand to hand combat as well as handing the electronic side of the jobs, breaking into alarm systems, getting past car alarms and majority of the computer research.

DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT own Sam and Dean Winchester or the "Supernatural" story line. I do however own my original characters. TITLE CREDIT: "The Sound of Winter" by Bush. LAYOUT CREDIT: ThingsNeverChange