Another World

The Key

“You cannot keep going into their world Lily”

Caught. Again. You’d think that they would understand I’m not gonna listen to them. Considering I keep going back to the humans.

“They are so interesting though!”

“I don’t care!”

“Well I do!”

Then I was gone. Down to the little pond. They can’t just tell me what to do. I’m not a baby anymore. I’m old enough to do what I want. My eyes shifted to the ground where something shiny caught my attention. I reached down to pick it up. My wings twitched slightly as I picked up some sort of coin. Silver coin. It was as big as my hand. I slipped it in my bag and placed my hands on my knees. This sucks.

My head shot up as I heard a voice. I moved behind a mushroom and looked to see a boy. He looked young. He sat down close to the water with something held against his ear and he was talking into it. “No I don’t care. It’s like you don’t understand me at all” he said. His voice had a sweet accent to it but I could tell he was upset. He pulled whatever it was away from his ear and shoved it in his pants.

I blinked slightly and watched him. He seemed to notice because he turned around. He was attractive. For a human. His eyes were what really caught my attention. They were all shiny and glistening. I found myself wanting to make him feel better. I watched as he shook his head, as if to clear his thoughts and look back at the water. I moved so that I could see his face a little better and I watched as he ran his hand threw his short brown hair and looked out over that water.

He stayed there for a while. Looking upset. Before standing up. I felt myself longing to make him feel better. Make him see that it would all be ok.

So I followed him.

I followed him into his world, staying out of sight of humans, till he walked into a house. I peeked threw the windows as he walked threw the house. First in a kitchen, then up stairs, then into a bedroom. He turned a light on and opened the window. Once he walked away I flew in and under the bed. I watched as he sat down on his bed before laying back. I jumped slightly as the door opened and another boy walked in.

“You ok Louis?” the new boy said. So the mystery boys name was Louis. Interesting. “Yeah, I’m ok Harry. Just stressed” the boy, Harry, nodded. “It’s ok Lou. Everything will work out” I heard Louis sigh “I hope so.” Harry smiled “Come on, we are all gonna eat. Come with us. It’ll do you some good to be with the lads.” Louis sat up and stood off the bed. “Yeah” They walked out and I listened for a while till I heard the door clothes. I peeked out the window and watched them walk away and to a car.

I looked around the room and noticed that it was rather messy. But on the table by the bed there was a key. A rather shiny one. I moved over to it and grabbed it quickly. I can’t help it. It was so shiny. I flew back out of his room and stood on the ledge of the window before heading home.

I hope that key isn’t too important.
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hope you like it.