Another World

Getting Closer

I went back each day and I would notice different things. Like I found out that he was in a band with Harry and three other boys named Niall, Zayn and Liam. I heard them singing once in the living room. They were good but Louis voice, made me want to dance and twirl and be the typical fairy all the books described.

But right now. I was perched on his window seal as he was not here twirling around a small ring I had found in the forest. Simply just waiting for him to get home. I was bored and he was gone by the time I had gotten here. I twirled the ring until It spun….right off my finger and into Louis’s room.

I followed it quickly and then heard the door shut from downstairs. My eyes widened and without thinking I bolted out the window and into the tree…forgetting the ring. Which sucked cause that shing was shiny and sparkly and glittery and the whole shebang!

I watched and Louis walked in the room and slip his shoes off. He walked towards the bed when he stepped on…wouldn’t you know, the ring. My eyes widened as I watched him. He bent down and picked it up and inspected it. I groaned quietly before slapping my hand over my mouth as he looked up.

I quickly flew out of the tree and back home. When my parents asked where I had been I said playing in the rain. Cause hello my name was Lily Rain. They believed me. Which was good enough for me.

I went back the next day to see the ring on the open window ledge and I picked it up and smiled. I slipped it in my little bag before going into the tree. “Lou where are you going?” Harry’s voice came. I smiled slightly as Louis appeared in his room. “Just getting my phone” he said. He walked over to the window and smiled slightly. Like he knew something.

That could be a problem.

He walked back out pulling, what I was guessing was his phone out of his pocket. “Got it” he said before disappearing down the hallway quickly. I jumped off the branch and into his room and then onto the floor. I slowly walked to his door and paused. I had never left his room. I always looked through the windows to see him elsewhere.

I took one step out before deciding against it and going back to the tree and crawling down a few branches till I saw him in the living room with the other four boys. He sat down and I plopped down on the branch. “Can I open the window…it’s a little hot in here” Louis said.

I blinked slightly. “Sure” the other boys said. He walked over and I scooted further up the branch. He opened the window before walking back over to the boys.

Maybe he really was hot….

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