Another World


When I got to his window the next day it was open and I slowly landed on it. I noticed a tube of glitter in the middle of his floor. I slowly flew in and landed next to it and tried to open it. But this one was harder then the other one. I knocked it over and grabbed a pen to try and open it when I heard footsteps. I quickly dropped the pen and flew into the tree.

Louis walked in and looked at the glitter and then the pen. His mind seemed to be working and grabbed the pen before opening the glitter. He grabbed something off the table and looked around before walking out. I slowly dropped back onto the ledge and ran over to the glitter and smiled. I pulled it out and tossed it around me and twirled around.

Once it was all gone my smile fell slightly till I noticed a small earring on the ground a few yards away and I picked it up. “Lou?!” I looked up and quickly flew to the tree and hid behind a leaf. Louis walked into the room and looked at the glitter and smiled again. He set something down next to it before looking at the tree, then walking out.

Curiosity got the best of me and I flew over to it. I lifted up and looked like a jewel and slipped it in my bag. I pulled out his key and bracelet I had taken I set them next to the glitter and smiled before flying into the tree again.

He didn’t come back for a while. But when he did a smile appeared on his face as he slipped them in his pocket and I smiled before flying out of the tree and back home. I decided that since he was giving me so much stuff like the glitter and the jewel I would make him something. I got some rope and beads and stuff from my stash and made him a bracelet and smiled at it.

I got back to his house late at night and he was fast asleep but the window was open. I set the bracelet next to the now empty tube of glitter and then looked at him. I slowly flew over to him and landed gently on the pillow next to him and watched him sleep. I moved a strand of hair out of his face and laid down on the pillow next to him.

I didn’t stay in his room all night. I did go home. Mainly because I didn’t feel like listening to my parents talk about me not coming home and blah blah blah. Stuff I really didn’t care about.

But when I went back the next day Louis was cleaning up his room and I smiled seeing the bracelet on his wrist. I saw an open tube of glitter on the ledge and grabbed it quickly and flew into the tree. I sat down and toss some of it up before looking at Louis.

He walked over to the ledge and a smile was wide on his face. He walked out of the room and I slipped onto the ledge again. I noticed that in a small little folding suitcase he had pour glitter in in. I literally couldn’t help myself. I flew over to it and landed in it and tossed some around. I was having fun until I bumped against the back and the lid closed.

Now I was in trouble.
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Oh Boy...what do you think?