Status: I hate some of my filler chapters. They aren't too good just fillers. Please read past them. The story is good. XOXO

I'll Die For You... Maybe

I'm a Conceited ***!

*~*Andy's P.O.V. *~*

"That's what I thought you would do." I said to Arianna. Not meaning to sound stuck up or anything I just figured she would be shocked because for some reason she hated me and I kissed her abruptly. I thought this girl was beautiful and I so didn't mean what I said about her hair. But then she came back after I said that and slapped me. Now it was my turn to be shocked. I just kissed her and she slaps me? WOW! This girl was so rude. I watched her as she walked out of the building her friends in tow. Chris and the rest of the band came up and laughed at me. "Dude, you just got bitch slapped!" He said laughing the whole time. I rolled my eyes and went to the back of the building. But, Sandra was in tow. "Why the hell did you abruptly grab Arianna and kiss her?" she asked me, kind of pissed. "Well, Sandra I thought she was cute and we were getting into a heated debate and I figured it would distract her, I was right." I answered with a sarcastic tone. Why does she care? Sandra just kept lecturing me and then walked away calling someone on her phone.

I walked over to my car getting in and looking in the mirror. My face was so red from where her hand hit my face. There was a perfect print of her hand there on the left side of my face. I put my hand over it. I really deserved this mark on my face. I wish one of the guys or Sandra had her number so I could apologize. I noticed her talking to Sandra for a while I wonder if she got Arianna's number. So I took a picture of my face because that was an impressive slap, and I deserved it. Then I went to go find Sandra, I found her on the side of the wall on the phone. "I know A he can be very dumb sometimes but he's young. I know Andy shouldn't have abruptly kissed..." She said then I stepped out from the side of the wall and snatched the phone. "Look Arianna, I know I shouldn't have kissed you but I'm sorry. I realize now how bad that was and how I looked really stuck up. And looking at this hand print on my face I realized I was wrong." I rushed out. Sandra just started cracking up. The girl on the phone said,"Uhm Thanks I will tell her that. But my name is Anesia, I'm her twin sister. Hold on I will send her number to Sandra's phone so you could tell her that yourself." I smiled and spoke, "Thanks Anesia. Your a nice girl. Here is Sandra." I handed Sandra the phone and told her to forward me the message. I hopped in my car with Chris and went home to my condo.

When I got in the door I immediately went up to my shower. I went to my room to grab myself some pants to sleep in, and got in the steamy goodness of my shower. In the shower all I could think about was how I came off complimenting on her picture. When I said I looked hot I was talking about even though the girl blinded me the picture made me look way better then I actually look. Then I thought about after I kissed her and what I said was so conceited. When my shower water turned cold I shut it off and stepped out with a towel around my hips. I stood in the bathroom and checked my phone. I had a forward from Sandra with Arianna's number. I smiled at my chance to finally apologize, and text her. "Hi Arianna. How are you?" I sent the message and then put my Pajama pants on. I immediately got a text back saying, "Uh I'm good but who is this?" Well I thought about and instead of Just answering with my name I decided to say,"Well, it's a stupid guy who kissed you earlier tonight with a red hand print on my face because I did. I'm a conceited Dick and I'm sorry." I sent the message hoping for a quick reply back. I waited 10 minutes for a reply but didn't get it. So I jumped In bed and went to sleep. After 5 minutes of shut eye and my phone went off, I was receiving a call. I answered, "Hello," I said sleepily into the receiver of my cell phone. "Tomorrow morning, 7:30 am Meet me at Starbucks." I heard a voice say through the phone. Then I looked at the name, Arianna. So I went to sleep in anticipation for the morning. Although I got to get up at about 6 in the morning to do my hair and makeup I was really looking forward to it.

*~* The Next Day *~*
My alarm went off at 6am and I jumped up hurrying to the bathroom. I turned on my straightener all the way up so it steams my hair. Then I got my makeup out, well eyeliner and put that on while my straightener warmed up. When my straightener warmed up I did my hair. Then I brushed my teeth, got dressed and was leaving my house by 7:10am. I got in my car and showed up at Starbucks early, clearly trying to beat her there so I could say "Your late." I walked in to Starbucks and saw her there in the corner sitting at a table, phone in hand cross legged. There went my plan but she looked sexy in the outfit she chose to wear. She took my breath away when she smiled at me as I approached the table in the corner.

I smiled back and said "Well hello there Arianna. Your looking great today." She stood up and said, "You do too," she chuckled slightly, "Shall we go up and order?" I nodded and we walked up to the counter side by side and ordered. She got an Irish cream latte with caramel and whipped cream on top. I ordered the same except in Hazelnut. We went back to our seats and enjoyed our breakfast and coffee. We talked a little bit and then I told her how sorry I was and sent her the picture and asked if it looked familiar, just to get her to laugh. I explained myself and how I didn't mean to come off conceited or rude. Then it was her turn,"Andy, I'm so sorry. I actually thought you were being a dick. And I'm sorry for the Umm hand print on your face." she said showing the picture on her phone. I accepted her apology with a low chuckle and then we sat and chat for a little bit. It was nice and a lot of laughs, we had people staring at us like we were crazy morning people. When we were done with our breakfast and coffee we got up to go pay. "It's on me," she said before I could even reach my wallet. "No, no, no, no, no. It's on me." I said getting my wallet out but she slapped down the money and got a receipt in no time. "If you want to repay me how about you clear your schedule and hang out with me today?" She asked me. I chuckled, "Well that's an offer I can't refuse. I think I could do that." I said back. This was going to be a great day.
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Well Here you go guys! Second Chapter, Andy's Point of View. :) I hope you like this the next chapter is going to be great. Andy and Arianna just might kiss, both people willing. Haha.