Status: I hate some of my filler chapters. They aren't too good just fillers. Please read past them. The story is good. XOXO

I'll Die For You... Maybe

Could it be?


Andy and I ditched his car at his Condo after coffee early this morning and were just walking around getting to know each other. We got into the topic of my photography because Andy was so curious where I got so good at. So now I was taking him to the most important places to me, except home in Ohio. I took him to my favorite thinking spot and now we were walking to my most favorite photography spot. We were just arriving at the old abandoned/ cut off rail road track. This rail road track was mostly torn apart and went down a total of 4 miles. We were just walking up to the middle of the track and sitting down when Andy said, "An old rail road? Why do you come here? How'd you ever find this place?" I laughed at his curiosity, "Yes an old rail road track, this place gives a grunge and natural look to my pictures," I explained. "And I found it one day walking around to different parks and stuff, and I heard there was an old rusty park out this way and I found the track. I just really like it here, it helps me think and express my creativity." He stared at my mouth as I explained myself to him, nodding and smiling at the passion in my voice.

I was pulling my Ipod touch and Speakers out of my bag and sticking them on the track next to me and putting on my playlist of The Devil Wears Prada, Avenged Sevenfold, Escape The Fate, Bring Me The Horizon and finally what I added last night, The Black Veil Brides EP. I put it on shuffle and it started out with Seize The Day by Avenged Sevenfold. Andy looked at me and said,"Arianna, Would you like to dance?" He stood up and held his hand out waiting for me to grab it. I nodded and grabbed his hand, and so we slow danced on the train track. "Andy B. You have some good moves sir. Who taught you to dance like this?" Andy looked down at me and smiled," Well do you mean other then my mom?" I giggled and nodded. "Well, that's just it, my Mom," he laughed. I laughed along with him, we didn't even know the change in song until I finally heard the words too, the "Still Fly" cover by Devil Wears Prada. I just slightly pushed myself away from Andy and went to the track to grab my camera.
I set up my mini tripod on a small grill like the ones at a beach. "Andy would you take a picture with me?" I asked him. He nodded and came to stand beside me. My camera was set on a 10 second flash and the 3 picture timer setting. So we took one with our tongues out, and Andy did the rock on sign. Then there was one with us pretending to be special agents back to back and then the last one caught us laughing. I ran over to my camera too look at the pictures, the last one showed up first and it caught my attention quickly. The hole time Andy was laughing with me instead of having his eyes closed or squinted his beautiful blue orbs were on me. I pushed it off and came back to reality quickly, "Okay how about we go get lunch, at my place?" I asked Andy. He smiled, bent down and grabbed my i home and Ipod. Clearly recognizing the song, Morticians Daughter, and unplugging my Ipod from the speakers. He handed them to me and noticed my face because my jaw was dropped, Why'd he do that? As if reading my mind he answered, "Well I can just sing it, if you want?" I smiled and nodded and we walked down to his Condo to get his car. Anesia and Veronica were supposed to be gone until later so I was hoping not to get the fan girl reaction out of both of them.

*~*An Hour Later*~* Andy's P.O.V.
We finally arrived at my Condo to get my car, man Arianna is crazy!! Why does she walk around everywhere? She really needs a car, because all the walking I did today, killed me. But, she was worth it, I don't know why but I'm finding myself easily attached to her for some reason. We got into my car and took off in the direction of what I assumed was her apartment. She pointed me everywhere I needed to go and then I pulled up to her building, Condo building. Well, I was wrong... this girl is just one surprise after the other. We got inside her house and she gave me a tour and then took me to her kitchen, it was much bigger then mine. When we got in to Kitchen on the stove was a plate with a cover over it and a note that said "Arianna <3." Arianna went over and picked it up looking under the cover, "Mmm!" she said. Then she turned to me and said "Andy, Do you like Steaks and fried potatoes?" I looked at her like she was clueless, "Arianna I am from Ohio, of course I do." She gasped "I'm from Ohio too!!" Then she turned around grabbed the steaks and walked out to the back porch. I followed her, really confused, she went over to a grill and slapped the steaks on it. They looked so good. She had it on a low flame and went in and grabbed out some potatoes soaking in water already sliced. She grabbed a pan and started frying up some potatoes and then added some onion to it. Wow! She was a mighty little cook. I watched her bounce back and forth between the two while she had me sit. And when I offered to help she'd say,"No! Your the guest and I am cooking!" First the coffee bill and now this! Geez! Then lunch was finally finished. I ate every bite she put on my plate. Surprisingly enough these steaks didn't have fat around them, she must've cut it off. Oh well, it was delicious.

She put the dishes in the sink of water she had ran and about put her hands in the water. I went over to her, grabbed her hands and moved her away from the sink, "It's my turn. You go sit." She went and sat down with no argument, probably knowing she wouldn't win this one. I did her dishes and cleaned her stove off for her. She grabbed my hand and lead me upstairs to her "chill room!" When I went up there there was a big comfy couch in the middle of the room. We sat and watched Sweeny Todd which is my favorite. Arianna had put her head on my shoulder while my arm was chilling on the back of the couch so kind of on my chest. I just smiled down at her and went to watching the movie until almost towards the end we heard the door open and girls yelling up the stairs for her. " Up here! " Arianna shouted back sitting up, much to my dismay. Two girls came in the room and I noticed them as the two with her at the concert. "Oh shoot girl, I wasn't aware you had a visitor. Which Hello Andy. Nice to talk to you again" Said who must have been Anesia, Arianna's twin. They looked exactly a like.

Then the pulled Arianna out of the room. A few minutes later I heard squeals and happy sounds coming from the bathroom followed by Arianna telling them to shut up. I just chuckled to myself and watched the end of the movie. Then they all walked out and came over. I soon decided that I had to go because the band was having a last minute meeting tonight probably concerning the new guitarists and Chris's leave. He just wants something else, which I understand. I told Arianna Thank you and that I had fun. She had me add her on my private facebook from my phone and then I left. I showed myself out seeing as Arianna had her hands full with her twin and friend. On my way getting into the car a girl came out of the house, Arianna? I walked up to her grabbed her hands, put them around my neck, and then kissed her. After I kissed her I said, "You are beautiful and amazing. I really like you. Sleep tight Darling." I left her speechless and drove away.

I went to Sandra's place where the meeting was and everyone was there, including the two new mates. I had already met these guys and they were pretty awesome, really connected with me and everything. "Jake, Jinxx What's up?" I said to them. They answered back a fine or good and then the meeting started. Chris had gotten up and explained himself and then gave us all a hug before he left to go home to his Mom and Dad. It was sad but we all understood and really accepted Jake and Jinxx. So we hung out and I told them about Arianna and how my day went. They all seemed really happy for me, after the break up with Hanna I really haven't dated. So they were all pretty happy, Jake and Jinxx even because like I said, I've known them for a while and that while has been about 6 months now. I was happy right now, with my band and Arianna on my mind.

*~*Arianna's P.O.V.*~*
I was about to go out the door to stop Anesia from talking to Andy about a date tomorrow but she was already out there. So instead I peaked through the window on my door. Andy just walked up to Anesia and kissed her, told her she was beautiful and thats all I needed to hear. I was pretty pissed, I don't know why. It's not like I was in a relationship with him or anything, but I didn't expect to be used to get to my sister. She came inside and apologized to me, she said she didn't get anything out of her mouth. But he said he had a nice day, could it be that Andy meant that kiss for me? I let my mind ponder as I walked upstairs and changed and then watched some movies cuddled on the couch with my 2 favorite people, Anesia and Veronica.
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So Anesia was mistaken for Arianna by Andy and stole Ari's kiss. :o UHH OHH! Update this weekend for real. Also check out my other story Meeting My Sexy Emo AIM Buddy It has gotten to a point where I need someone to tell me in that story what I am doing wrong. Also, THIS story is very active and there will be at LEAST 2 updates a week because school... at MOST 4 or 5. I'm hoping to get more chapters so more would read it. Tell your friends if they read fan fiction! :D Thanks!! :D

Love you guys! Later Gator. ;)