Status: I hate some of my filler chapters. They aren't too good just fillers. Please read past them. The story is good. XOXO

I'll Die For You... Maybe


*~*Andy's P.O.V. *~*

Arianna and I were kissing really deeply on my bed, we have been kissing for about 30 minutes after I said she could stay because of the girls getting busy at her casa. Haha her casa? Why am I thinking in Spanish? Anyways, the girls were JUST getting into it when we left so I'm guessing Arianna is right... those girls are all night fuckers. As I think all this stuff Arianna pulls away to catch her breath. "Andy wanna watch a movie now? or go for a walk? Something different from kissing." Arianna asked in a breathy voice. I nodded and smiled grabbing her hand and taking her to the band practice room. I grabbed my acoustic and started playing and Arianna went up to the microphone singing a song I'm guessing she wrote. The lyrics were strong and her voice was amazing.

After I picked up on Ari's lyrics I grabbed the electric guitar hooked up to the amp and started playing heavier notes. She sped her voice up to go along with the tune I was playing and then I started screaming certain lyrics. The song turned out really good. When we got done I put the guitar down and went over to her and said, " Arianna, Why didn't you tell me you can sing like that? And ... and those lyrics are the best." She just laughed," Actually, the lyrics are Anesia's, I heard her singing them one day and I remembered them. We should record that version of the song for her. She would LOVE IT!" Arianna said jumping up and Down and giving me puppy dog eyes! So... we did, then put it on a CD for her. Arianna put the disk in her purse with Anesia's name on it. Then we went out to eat for dinner.

*~* Arianna's P.O.V.*~*

Andy wanted to take me out for dinner, like a date. I was getting pretty hungry so I accepted his offer. He took me out to a nice small restaurant and they actually had really good food. I ordered Chicken Parmesan and some kind of pasta that came with it. Andy lacking originality ordered the same damn thing. I'm kidding he just thought it sounded yummy. "Andy I will pay my half of the bill, you don't need to pay." I said to him after the waitress gave us our drinks. He just shook his head at me, "Arianna this is celebrating for your 'First long term client' your not paying. I am." He said in a that's final tone. Instead of arguing I just let him have this one. After eating, talking, joking around, and laughing he paid the bill and I left the tip. The one thing I was allowed to pay, then we left.

We went out into the dusky warm air of California nights to get in his car. Like the gentleman he is Andy opened the car door for me and shut it once I got in. I smiled as he ran around the front of the vehicle. Once our seatbelts were on he pulled away and off we went to his house. I unfastened my seat belt to reach for the door handle to find my door being opened for me… again. “Thank you Andy. Your such a gentleman!” I said to him smiling. He nodded thanking me saying, “Well a guy must be decent to a lady. This is still making up for my rudeness.” I laughed as he unlocked his door and we walked in, “Andy, you don’t need to make anything up to me.” I said. He took my coat and hung it in the hall closet he keeps his in. Uh-Oh! We have close to the same coat, this could be interesting. Andy grabbed my hand and pulled me over to his couch and sat down pulling me against his body.

“I should probably turn on my phone before everyone gets worried and shows up interrupting our night.” Andy said grabbing his phone out of his butt pocket of his leather pants, seeing as his front pockets are tighter. Not like I’m complaining much. I looked at Andy and said, “Andy your friends aren’t interrupting anything really. I like them. I don’t want you to think they bother me okay?” He stopped texting to look at me and nodded, “Thanks Ari. I know you like them but I want tonight to be about us. Talking and getting to know each other better. I like you Arianna, your beautiful, smart, funny and a REALLY good kisser.” He said to me. I just laughed and shook my head.

*~*ANDY’S P.O.V. *~*

When I turned my phone on I had like 30 text messages and 7 calls. For real guys? That’s insane. So I checked my text messages. I just got done reassuring Arianna that I don’t think she’s keeping my from my friends and band mates. I was telling her she was just someone I wanted to know better. I really like this girl and there was only a couple other girls I felt strongly for and the feeling is different with Arianna, more intense. The last text message I read is from Sandra and says,
I laugh, and look at the time it’s 8 pm I have time to check my voicemail. So I dial 1 and type in my password to my voicemail. 2 of the 3 of which were left from Sandra and the Third was from my Mom. First Voicemail: “Andy, It’s Sandra call me back bro. ASAP” Second Voicemail: “ANDREW! You better call or text me back! It’s important, I got some news.” Third Voicemail (Mom): “Andy honey I realize your probably busy I was just checking in with you and telling you we got a call today from a record label to inform your father about some tour. Sounds Exciting Call me back honey. Love You. Bye.” TOUR?! Even Arianna heard this and sat up smiling at me.

I hurried up to call Sandra and she answered first ring, “ANDY! Thank god. Your mom called me…” She started because I jumped in, “Tour!” I said. She was so excited and I think she was jumping around like a girl, not the Normal for Sandra. “Andy, call a band meeting for 10pm?” Sandra asked/ told me. “Umm Sandra I’m entertaining a guest right now.” I tried to say politely and quietly knowing if Ari heard me she would jump my ass. Too late she had heard and she grabbed my phone right from my hand, “Sandra be here at 10! Your band meeting comes first.” She said looking at me with a “That’s final” look. Sandra said something that made Arianna laugh and say, “Yeah. Just me. Not much to it.” I shook my head she looked at herself so blindly. I took my phone back. “Okay Sandra I will text the guys and let them know, 10 pm! Be here.” I said then hung up texting Ashley, Jake, and Jinxx. The text said, “Guys Important band meeting at 10 pm. My house. Sorry it’s sudden but it’s important.” I called Mom back and talked to her and Dad bout it, got the number and then hung up. Well, tour is good, but at such a bad time. I’m just getting to know Arianna, and by time I get back she will be so far over me. Maybe a record will be first.

“Arianna, I’m so sorry all this happened right now.” I apologized! She grabbed my hands and looked my in the eyes, “Andy, STOP APOLOGIZING! This is good for you guys. I’m happy for you. This is a private band meeting though so maybe I will just leave and go home.” She said with a smile on her face. “NO!” I jumped in quickly, “It’s not too private and everyone loves you, except Jake and Jinxx don’t know you but they will love you. And in the mean time you can go to my room get a shower and get into some sleep clothes. Do you have anything?” I asked her. “Umm Guilty confession,” she started out, “I went shopping earlier after I found out about my client and got some sleeping clothes and an outfit for tomorrow. It’s in my trunk.” she said pointing towards the door getting up to go outside. I got up and walked her outside and carried 2 big shopping bags inside. “WOW! Only an outfit and PJ’s how many sets?” I asked her laughing. She laughed and said, “A lot but it only took me 25 minutes. I‘m a speedy shopper.” We just burst out laughing. “Andy, we got 2 hours left. Wanna see them on me? I wanna know which one is your favorite.”
Oh, This should be fun…. Man, sometimes GOD LOVES ME! “Sure, let’s go upstairs.” I said pointing, tonight is the best night of my life.
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Okay, kinda iffy on this chapter but more to come. This is really just a filler and I hate fillers but this is what it is. Wait until the real action starts. It's going to be great! Comment please? I love you guys!