Status: I hate some of my filler chapters. They aren't too good just fillers. Please read past them. The story is good. XOXO

I'll Die For You... Maybe

Tonight's The Night

*~*Andy's P.O.V.*~*

Arianna and I went up to my room so she could put on her pajama fashion show. I don't know why she cares much for my opinion about what she wears, but I'm game for anything she wants to do. The first one was a hello kitty one that Ash would definitely love. I nodded at her then she made me turn for the second one, which was a nerds pj set. "Cute." I said, "You know... I've been called a nerd." she laughed at me and I turned smiling. Third- Panda outfit with shorts. Fourth- A heart breaker tee and some flannel fuzzy pants. "Feel 'em!" Arianna said to me lifting her leg up. I laughed and pet them. "They are umm very soft." I said laughing, she makes me happier the more i'm around her. Arianna smiled and said, "I know! Now turn around again puhlease?" she made a turning movement with her pointer finger and I obliged turning. When she had me turn around the fifth time I just stared, YES!, Freaking sexy. She had on a shirt with skeleton hands over her chest and little blue flannel shorts. "Now this one I like way more then the others." I said nodding. "A favorite?" she asks and I nod, "Woo! Wait for this last one. Now turn around again!" She commanded excited. After a couple minutes I felt hands over my eyes. "Your going to turn around with your eyes squeezed shut Andy! You got me?" She said all giddy. "Yes Arianna," I said, "Can i turn now?" She moved her hands and said, "Yeah, go!" I turned around with my eyes squeezed shut so hard they almost hurt. She stepped back and then said, "Okay Now... open."

.......... I was so speechless all I could do is smile and stare at her. She was in a t-shirt that said, "True Love, True Lust, True Blood." Then she was in these boy shorts underwear that had teeth on the butt and said "Eat me, Drink me" on the front. "Whoa!" Was all I could say, when I could speak, she grinned from ear to ear. "like?" she said to me spinning. The bottom of her ass was sticking out a bit but it was still so sexy. I was about to lean forward and grab her up when I heard the door. FUCK! The band. Worst. timing. EVER! "I'll get dressed and ready for my shower." she said to me. I nodded and said, "And I'll get the door." I ran down the steps and to the door. "Hey guys!" I said as I opened it to see Ashley, Sandra, Jinxx and Jake. They all came in saying hey patting my back and what not. Arianna came down the steps a moment later, that was fast, she was in her day clothes.

"Hey Guys!" She said giving the band a group hug. Jinxx and Jake seemed leery at first but nevertheless joined in. "Oh you guys are new. Hi! I'm Arianna. I slapped Andy in the face the first night I met him." she said greeting Jinxx and Jake and rubbing in the fact that she slapped me. I just laughed and shook my head low. This girl is remarkable. "Don't worry. I'm going to be in the shower while you guys do your band stuff." Jinxx and Jake seemed to attach to her easily. She's so easy to get along with. Sandra gave her another hug and started talking to her. "Arianna, why are you staying here tonight?" She asked. "Well because I'm celebrating my success with Andy. It's the first place I came after my meeting." She said looking at me when mentioning my name. "Well guys, let's get to business." I say speaking up so I can spend time with Arianna after this. "Yeah. I need my shower." Arianna chimed in.

*~*Arianna's P.O.V.*~*

I went up the stairs to Andy's bathroom and half way up I hear, "5 & 6" I smile knowing he meant the last two of my pajama outfits. I went to the bathroom and adjusted the temperature of the water to my preferences. I took off my previous outfit of happy, heated moments that I have had during the day. My new perfume scent on those clothes is Andy's sexy time sweat. Once I folded up my clothes to put them in a bag to wash I jumped in the shower. I made sure it was leisurely, I needed to think. How do I feel about this kid? What do I know about him? Then I went on to think about all the time we have spent together these past few days and all the things we have done. Kissed, made out, almost had sex. Maybe Tonight's the night to test that water, I mean Sex... with Andy Six, well Biersack, Yum! As I proceeded to wash my hair I thought about his luscious lips against mine, and the tingly feeling left after he pulls away. When my thinking is all done and I get out of the shower I realize my ditsy ass forgot my pajamas in his room. So I wrapped his towel around me and went to run across the hall to his room, on my way over I heard someone whistle. Oh no!

I looked down the stairs and saw Sandra with 3 sodas in her hand smiling up at me. Oh thank god it was only her. "Hey Sandra" I said smiling readjusting the towel up on my boobs. "Umm is anyone else up here with you?" I asked her looking around a bit. Sandra laughed, "No Arianna. Just us love." She said smiling. I laughed, "Ooooo Lala! Baybay!!" I shimmied my body a bit and made her loose it. "Well I better get back down stairs Arianna" she said pointing in the direction of the door with her head, "But you can come down when you uh decent." I looked at her with a serious face, "Sandra, I don't want to intrude." She shook her head no and said, "Don't be silly. Your welcome down there. The business part is almost over." I nodded and walked to Andy's room. I dug out outfit one and two and put in the boy shorts then the booty shorts and then I put on my skull hands shirt over my black lace bra. Perfect for now. I brushed my hair out and teased it using the dryer to dry it all out. I didn't bother with make up this late. Then I walked out of Andy's room, down the steps and then over to the door of the Band room.

I opened the door so quietly and walked down the steps behind Andy. I put up my finger to Shush everyone and then BAM! I jumped on his back. "Ello Andy!" I said to him laughing. He quickly grabbed my legs and wrapped them around his waist, "Arianna." he said back to me chuckling. "You were about to miss the best part!" said Ashley then he winked, "Nice legs by the way." Ashley ran up and then quickly tried to remove my socks. FUCK! "NO!" I kept screaming trying to move my feet. "LEAVE MY HELLO KITTY SOCKS ALONE!" I added in. Andy was still holding me up and laughing his ass off as Ashley added in a very dramatic, "Neverrrrrrr!!!!" I quenched my toes and hopped of Andy's back. "HA! Ashley can't get them now!" I said laughing. Ashley looked at me and gave me a sadistic smile, "Oh really?" he started, "Wanna bet?" I stepped back on a step positioning Andy in front of me, "No! Not really." I said to him peaking over Andy's shoulder. "Don't you guys have business to attend to?" I asked. "I'm so sorry for interrupting, maybe I should just go up and sing or something." I add in getting ready to step up on another step. Then Andy grabbed me around my waist and lifted me off the step I was on.

"You are fine." he said to me and everyone agreed. He pulled me into his side and they continued with their business. "So who's ready for me to call?" Andy asked grabbing out his Android phone. Everyone cheered and Andy dialed the number putting the phone to his ear. I went over and stood next to Jake and Sandra. "Hello. This is Andy from Black Veil Brides. We missed a call earlier and my da.." He cut off, "I mean our manager said for us to call." He paused for a moment which I assume is for whoever is on the other line to talk. "Oh WOW! Are you serious!? That's awesome. Yeah I think we could do that. Thank you so much!" Andy said enthusiastically. Once he hung up he looked at everyone and said, "We got a record deal!" Everyone screamed and hugged each other. I went to the back of the room and sat behind the drums. I knew this was a band moment and I don't want to intrude. However, I am really proud of them right now. They deserve it. I heard Andy announce something, "We have a meeting tomorrow night at 9 pm. He's flying back and wants to meet with us. They want to go for an album and then a tour!" He shouted hugging the band. Everyone was practically dancing around.

*~* Andy's P.O.V.*~*

I thought about what I was saying, a tour, so soon? I just got to know Arianna and now I might have to leave her. Well it will take a couple months for the album so no need to worry. But, this tour might last like 3 months. What if some other guy swoops her up and takes her away? I miss out right? I don't know why I'm questioning this, were not dating. At All. I smiled with my band and then wandered where Arianna was, when everyone cracked open a beer to toast I saw her at the drums. I walked back to her and said, "Arianna, Why are you sitting back here?" Did she not want to celebrate with me. I mean Tonight's the Night Black Veil Brides found out they are getting signed, well maybe, it sounds like it. She smiled at me, and as if reading my reading my thoughts reassuringly said, "It seemed more like a band moment. But I'm proud of you guys." She walked over to me and kissed me. Moments like these keep me alive and well, her kiss takes my breath away. I finally notice what she's wearing when I pull away, slight disappointment leaks through me. I really liked that last one but this one looked so good too.

"You like my outfit?" She asked me smiling and turning around. She hugged me and said, "I mix matched." Then winked. What?! I didn't see any mix matches. I then smiled realizing outfit 6 was under 5. This girl is amazing, I think yet again. We walk over and join the rest of the group. When the celebrating was over Arianna and I were beat. We went up to my room and Arianna took off her booty shorts. I shut my bedroom door and walked over to her, hands on her hips lifting her against the wall kissing her. "Andy," Arianna interrupted, I pulled back looking at her, "Let's take this to the bed." She suggests nodding towards my bed. What the lady wants, the lady gets.
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Okay not everything it needs to be but the next chapter is going to be so good!!! :) And Can we give it up for the long chapter please? I did it! Update soon. Sorry it took so long. Anyways Subscribe, Comment and read! All I care about is making you guys happy. Let me know if you think something needs to happen soon. Thanks guys. Love you.