Status: I hate some of my filler chapters. They aren't too good just fillers. Please read past them. The story is good. XOXO

I'll Die For You... Maybe

What Are You Doing Here?

*~*Arianna's P.O.V. *~*

I woke up in Andy's arms, happier than ever, although last night was great what the hell was I thinking? My thoughts faded as Andy looked down at me a beautiful slight grin came across his face, "Morning Beautiful." he greeted me. I stretched and squeezed out, "Morning!" I reached across the bed side table to where my phone awaits I unlock it and check the time. 10:30 am. I noticed I had 25 missed calls on my phone. Even though they were probably from my Anesia and Veronica I checked them anyways. As I scrolled down I noticed I had missed calls at 10:15 from Standby Records! Shit! Work! I jumped out of bed grabbed a few articles of clothing and ran to the bathroom. Leaving Andy confused and speechless up right in the bed.

Through the bathroom door I hear Andy yell, "Arianna What's wrong? Are you okay?" I yelled through the door back at him, "Andy I'm fine. I just missed a few calls from work. I need to go and see what they need." Andy said okay and I heard him walk back tot he room. Probably getting ready. As I put on a pair of Skinny Jeans, Andy's Motley Crue shirt, do my makeup and hair I call StandBy. As I talk to the receptionist Ashley I see something in the corner of the bathroom. I walk over to the corner saying, "Yeah Ashley. I missed the calls celebrating and all. Can you forward me to Mr. Sheehan please?" I pick up the object in the corner of the room, Andy's bullet belt. Oh hell yeah. I'm putting this shit on right now. I look in the mirror at myself man I look good. As I think that I hear a man's voice on the other line.

"Arianna? Hello. How are you?" He asks me through the receiver. I hear the smile in his voice, he knows I was celebrating. Yes I was professional but I was also excited. I smile, "I'm great Mr. Sheehan. I'm sorry I missed those calls earlier. Did you need me there?" I ask politely. Mr. Sheehan shuffles some papers and says, "Yes actually. I have a band who is about to go on tour and we need a headlining picture. Can you come do a shoot for me?" I nod and say, "Yes sir I can. Who's the band?" I ask. "Well, all the basics will be covered when you get here,"he explains. "But can you be here at 11:45?" I look at the clock 11 am. "Yes sir I can be." I paused to fix a miss placed smudge of lipstick. "What should I do when I get there?" I asked. Mr. Sheehan filled me in on what to do when I get there and then for further instructions I should see Ashley when I get there. Before I hang up Mr. Sheehan says,"Oh by the way Arianna call me Neil. Mr. Sheehan is just to proper." We laughed in unison and then hung up.

I walk out of the bathroom and into Andy's room to see him in some skinny jeans but shirtless. "Hey." I said startling him again. He turned around and chucckled at my appearance, "Those items look familiar." I looked down, "Do they? Hmm. Never woulda figured." I laughed, "You don't mind do you?" I asked. He shok his head and spoke, "No." Chuckling. He turned around phone in hand, "SMILE!" I smiled and he snapped the picture. "Now Come take one with me and I will leave you to go to work." He said with a cute smile. God! How could I have had sex with this man not knowing him that long. Is it that smile, his attitude? His Body? No- It was those eyes, the safety of his arms and the warmth of his lips that drove me to do it. I just can't have a relationship with a rockstar. He's getting famous and I don't want to go trhough that or put him through that. We take one of the cutest pictures I have ever taken of myself ever and another of him kissing my cheek and me smiling/ giggling. We look like we could actually be a couple good friends.

After the pictures are done I kiss Andy on the cheek leaving a bright red kiss mark and walk out. "I will see you later?" I ask him. He nods and blushes about the red mark on his cheek but leaves it there. I smile and walk down the steps and out there. I get in my car and start it. I have 20 minutes to get there. StandBy is only about 10 minutes from here in moderate traffic if it's good and well let's face it I love to speed I can make it in 5. I drive through town and stop at StarBucks to get my normal drink but I ordered 2 this time. Caramel latte, Soy milk with whipped cream and hazelnut on top. I grab it and go and make it to StandBy with 10 minutes to spare. I park in the employee lot like Neil said to and go inside. I walk up to Ashley both Starbucks cups on hand and hand her one. "You look like you could use this." I say to her. She laughs and says thank you and then gives me my directions to the room to meet Neil and the band in.

I got to go around this circle dome thing go down the second hall to the right and enter the huge room numbered 6. I open the door and see 5 men with their backs to me. I knew immediately the band I was going to be shooting today just by the lead singer. The old singer of Chiodos, Craig Owens! Neil turns around and behind him the other members follow. "Ahh. Hi Arianna. You're here early. Anyways, this is Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows. Otherwise known as D.R.U.G.S. You got Craig, Matt, Aaron, and Nick." He said pointing them out. I smile and greet them, "Hi. I'm like he said Arianna. And I will be shooting you today... pictures. Shooting pictures." I clearify because Aaron and Nick gave me looks of concern. Neil pulls me aside and fills me in on what he hopes to see and the background of the band. I cut in and Say, "Neil I listened to them before I think I have a few ideas that won't leave you disappointed." I smile at him and get one in return. "Now, if I get that ONE AMAZING picture I will give you 12." MY eyes got big, "1200 Dollars?" I ask amazed. "Yes and Gas difference for travel." He says with a smile. We shake on it and I walk over to the band. I have them follow me and give them the game plan for the day. I take the members to my favorite track and just like Andy they were amazed. I walk them down a bit to a secluded wall with graffity in the back and have them stop. I position them Craig a little in the front Matt beside him and Aaron and Nick on their flanks. I take a few with different poses there and then we load up and move again.

By the end of the day I used a full tank of gas and had enough to get to to local United Dairy Farmers. I got in the studio told Neil I had some editing but should have the picture disk to him tomorrow afternoon. The guys each gave me hugs and their numbers to hang and to get info on shows. I guess they definately want me to shoot them again. As I leave the studio walking backwards talking to the guys I bump into someone and drop my tripod. "Oh Shit! I'm so sorry!" I say turning around and kneeling. "No it was my fault." Says a familiar voice. I look up and see Andy kneeling and grabbing my tripod and papers. "Andy!" - "Arianna!" We say at the same time. "What the hell are you doing here?" I ask him eyes wide. Andy just looks at me smiling with the red lip stick mark on his cheek still, untouched.
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So This is the chapter that got deleted when the system crashed on here and everything had to be fixed. However, I updated it and made it longer!! :D Woo!! I like this version better and I hope you do too. Also, I'm starting a new story up (but I won't forget this one) It's called "Through Love is Pain." I have been writing it for about a week now and the link will come with the next chapter. Love you guys! Hope you like the story.