Status: FINISHED :)

I Can't Believe It's Come to This

The End

"Oh come on Jobo. Stop being so down."
"I'm not."

Landon rolled his eyes at you before pulling you up.

"Come on."
"Where are we going?"
"To go watch The Word Alive."
"They don't play for another hour."
"Then we'll buy you something pretty."

You smiled at you dumb little brother as he pulled you along the maze of tents. He stopped at the I Love Boobies tent and walked inside the shaded area.

"Holy shit."

He held up a clear looking bracelet which confused you.

"It's glow in the dark."
"How much?"
"4 bucks."
"I want one."

He threw it at you, which you easily caught then you looked at all the other stuff. You ended up with three bracelets,a land yard and a carabiner before Landon pulled you off to the next booth. After spending money you really shouldn't have you put your stuff in the van before running off to see The Word Alive for one last time on Warped.

"Are you going to work for Dad after warped?"
"More then likely."

Landon nodded knowing you would since your dad would just hand you the job.

"When do you start up at school again?"
"A week after tomorrow."

After '2012' was played Landon looked at his phone then at you.

"This probably isn't the best time to tell you this...."
"What Landon?"
"I've been talking to Sean."

You felt yourself go stiff and your stomach drop.

"Yeah. He just got out of rehab."
"Good for him."
"Don't be mad Jo."
"I'm not mad."
"I'll stop talking to him if..."
"Landon it's fine."

He smiled at you then you went back to watching the band.


"Wat's wrong luv?"

You looked at James with a shrug and he kissed your temple.

"Don't fink 'bout it luv."

You smiled as he put his arm around your shoulder holding you close to him. As you took a drink of your beer James talked to his friends.

"What about you Jolie?"
"What are you doing after tomorrow?"
"Go home, work, be boring."
"Yea anehfing but borin' luv."

You smiled at Ben's comment and finished off your beer.

"I'm gonna go get another beer."
"Can yea grab meh one luv?"

You moved away from James and went over to the fridge.

"You okay?"
"I'm sorry about bringing up Sean earlier."
"It's fine Landon. Does Charlie know you still talk to him?"
"Charlie talks to him as well."
"Of course."

Landon laughed then handed you a beer.

"I need two."

Landon handed you another one and you smiled before walking back over to the guys.

"Thanks luv."

You nodded before taking a drink and James pulled you against him again. By the end of the night you were drunk and playing beer pong with Ben,Danny and Andy (Biersack).

"Hold on."

You threw the little ping pong ball and made it into one of the cups before looking at James.

"Come on."

You smirked then looked at CC who quickly took your place. James pulled you onto the Asking Alexandria bus and kissed you.

"I'm gonna miss yea luv."
"Shut up. No you won't."
"I will too."

You looked at him and he smiled before cupping your face.

"We'll stay in touch. I promise."
"Don't make promises you can't keep Cassells."

He smirked then kissed you, which you returned.

"I promise ta yea Jolieh Martinez."

You smiled then leaned up and kissed him, in the middle of the kiss your phone went off.

"Ignore it."

You moved away from James to look and when you saw an all too familiar number you felt sick.


You looked at James then ran to the bathroom and puked. When you where done being sick you leaned against the wall of the bathroom.


You looked over at James who looked concerned.

"Are yea okaeh?"
"Yeah. I think it's just the booze."

James nodded then kissed your forehead.

"Do yea need a toothbrush?"

James left the small bathroom as you looked at your phone.

Unknown:Hey it's Sean. I know you don't want to talk to me, but I want to say I'm really sorry. I love you and I hope you're doing okay.

You looked at your tattoo on your wrist then sighed.

" 'ere yea go luv."
"Thank you."

You took the toothbrush and toothpaste as James helped you up.

"Brush yea teef then meet meh at meh bunk."

He kissed your cheek before walking away leaving you to brush your teeth. Thankfully you found a bottle of mouth wash as well so you could try even harder to get the vomit taste out of your mouth. Once the gross taste was out of your mouth you made your way to Jame's bunk to hear him on the phone.

"Wat? Brandeh.....yea of course I luv yea. Wat? Don't bring Jolieh inta this.......yea know I luv yea. Stop talkin' 'bout her...she's just a infatuation like yea said...."

After hearing that you quietly left the bus and didn't look back.


You looked at Landon who looked worried.

"Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I'm just going to get a beer."

As you walked to the cooler that was now set out Ben walked over.

"Why aren't yea wif James?"
"He's on the phone with Brandi."

You took a drink of the beer in your hand while Ben looked past you.

"Do you think I'm a slut Ben?"

Ben looked at you confused then shrugged.

"You can be honest with me Ben."
"I don't."

You nodded then noticed Danny and Andy walk over.

"Wat yea doin'?"
"Why aren't yea wif James?"
"He's talking to Brandi."
"You should just date CC."
"Seems a bit busy."

You said looking over to see CC and Dina talking and laughing.

"They could just be talking."

Then you saw CC lean forward and kiss her.

"I wish I put a bet on that."

Before you could think you felt arms go around your waist and your back hit someones chest.

"Why'd yea leave."
"You were on the phone."

You felt James tense up behind you as you rolled your eyes and finish off the beer in your hand. James pulled you away from the group and looked at you.

"Wat did yea hear?"
"I'm sorreh luv."
"Sorry that I heard?"
"Wat? No. I like yea a lot Jolieh but...."
"But you love Brandi."

James looked at you and you just smiled.

"Stay with Brandi. Forget about me and be happy."
"I don't want ta forget yea."

You leaned forward and kissed James. When you pulled away you kept your forehead against his and bit your bottom lip. You liked James more then you should and you felt like an idiot for doing so.

"I'm sorreh luv."

You quietly laughed to yourself before moving away and looking at your feet.

"I am too."

James lifted up your chin and kissed you.

"I'll miss yea."
"Do yea want ta go lay down? Nofin' funneh I promise."

You walked with James to his bunk on the bus and layed down with him. It felt nice laying down with him even if it was for a short while.

"I'm realleh sorreh luv."
"Don't be."

James kissed your cheek then you leaned against his chest, falling asleep. When you woke up you saw you were in the van leaning against a sleeping Charlie.

"You're awake."
"Look at your's been going off all morning."

You looked down at your phone and saw you had 3 missed text.

James:Sorry I didn't get to say bye. I miss you
James:I left you one of my shirts...not like I'm gonna use it
James:I'm a twat....I'm sorry love.

You smiled at the text then leaned back against Charlie. Maybe James would keep in touch.

♠ ♠ ♠
that was kind of a shit ending...i might write another ending.
thank you for reading,subscribing and commenting :)
more then likely going to start a sequel and another James story.
like i said thank you for commenting but a really big thank you to Party Ghoul for commenting on pretty much every chapter <3

Jolie's Outfit

check out my Sam Carter story :)