Famous in a Small Town

Chapter One

My heart beats every step that my horse takes as he gallops across the grass after the sun which lowers behind the hills in the distance. I promised my Dad that I’d be home in time to have dinner with him and Lauren, my Dad’s sort of girlfriend sort of baby carrier, so that we could better know each other, but by the looks of it I was going to be late.
Sir Lancelot and I had gone down to the creek at the edge of my Dad’s property for an afternoon of relaxation after I’d gotten home from school. We’d stayed there for a few hours, basking in the warmth of the sun and enjoying the sound of the water before we went in and completely soaked each other. It had been awesome forgetting about the day that had gone on, thankfully though it was Friday so I could spend the majority of my weekend wherever I wanted on my Dad’s property… After my chores were done of course.
“Hey there girl,” one of the employees, a woman in her thirties named Clara, said to me as I jumped off of Lance and checked my watch.
Shit, Clara it’s seven thirty four and I promised my Dad I’d make it to dinner on time for once to talk with him and Lauren,” I started as I rolled up the stirrups. “Would you mind taking care of Lance for me?”
“No problem doll,” she said grabbing the reins from my hands before I jumped into the golf cart and drove up to my house holding onto my hat for dear life and praying that Lauren, or even my Dad, was running late so that I could wash up before supper.
Unfortunately I had no such luck.
As the dogs barked while I walked into the house, I saw my Dad and Lauren waiting for me in the dining room. Neither of them having touched their dinner and fuming at the idea that I was late, making me wince.
“Molly, come in here please,” Dad said quietly as I started to tiptoe into the kitchen.
“Uh, hey guys. I, uh, just need to wash up real quick,” I started but was cut off by my Dad.
“Sit. Down.” His voice was cold and angry but he was determined to not go ballistic in front of Lauren fearing that she wouldn’t let him have the baby anymore. Which by the way was insanely stupid since he had knocked her up and she didn’t even want the thing; I mean they didn’t sleep together but he’d hired her to carry the fruit of his loins and she was getting paid to have it. She had even told him at the start that no matter what happened, she wouldn’t want to keep the baby.
Taking off my hat, I scrapped the floor with the chair as I pulled it out from the table to sit down. Looking around the table, I saw Lauren pushing her food around on her plate and smiling tentatively at me.
Lauren Cooper was a twenty-nine year old who was a surrogate for people who wanted children but couldn’t have them herself. This was going to be her third delivery since she had begun working as a surrogate and she came highly recommended. Although this was her first biological child, she still had no wish to be a mother and was grateful for the fact that my Dad was willing to pay extra for this service. She had this beautiful brown hair and wide brown eyes that were like chocolate chips, her skin was fairly light although it was still darker than mine. All in all, Lauren was very beautiful and my younger half brother or sister would be very lucky to inherit her genes.
“Molly, did I ask you to be here on time today?” My Dad’s voice was like ice and all I could do was nod. “Did I not say that we wanted your input?” Another nod. “Well what do you have to say for yourself?”
“I-I lost track of time Dad, honestly. Sir Lancelot and I were down by the-the creek and I forgot, Dad.” My eyes looked up at him pleading to understand that I was truly sorry.
He sighed rubbing his hand against his face, “Molly this is the last time. Don’t let it happen again.”
I nodded, filled with relief that he hadn’t revoked my riding or driving privileges. And he looked happy as well, knowing that he didn’t have to be the jerk who took those things away from me.
“So,” Lauren said breaking the silence. “I think we should discuss what we’re going to name the baby.”
“Good idea,” Dad smiled with the change of conversation. He’d been so upset when he learned I was going to college in Alabama that when he decided he wanted another kid, he’d been happy ever since. I couldn’t deny that I was glad he was feeling better.
“Do you know what sex it is? I don’t like the idea of naming the baby last minute or giving it a same sex name,” I asked excited to Lauren as I put a slice of steak into my mouth.
She smiled down slyly, and looked first to my Dad before me, “It’s a girl.”
“No way! I’m gonna have a baby sister, really?” I was ecstatic at the thought. I mean I would have been fine with a little brother but I’d secretly really wanted a little sister.
Lauren nodded patting her big belly, my baby sister was due in late December and that was only a month away.
“What about Jennifer?” Dad asked. “I’ve always thought that was pretty for a girl’s name.”
I made a face at that, “Why not Bridget? That’s a sweet name.”
“No, that’s too Irish.” Lauren said thinking. “What about Lesley?”
“I thought we said no same sex names?” I teased. “Emily?”
Dad shook his head, “Margaret?”
“Okay, Dad you are officially out of the naming.” I said rolling my eyes. “Maybe Kelsey?”
We sat in silence for a minute before Lauren spoke up, “What about Katelynn?”
Dad and I looked at each other and smiled.
“That’s the perfect name,” he said for the both of us. “Katelynn Walsh, beautiful.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Just the beginning chapter to show you where Molly came from and what her relationship with her father is like. Comment please:) -
Lulu Falconeri