Frist Dance (Crishtofer Drew Ingle Love Story)

Chapter One: Complacency

I brushed through my hair and sighed. I grabbed the bottom layer, pushed it up on

my head and sighed again. Grabbing the brush, I bit my lip and started brushing

some of it to the side.

"Oh...," I said, starting to like what it was doing. Part of my bangs fell into my eye.

"No." I sighed again.

My phone buzzed, taking my eyes off the mirror.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey!" Thea said. Thea's my best friend in the whole wide world. We've known each

other for at least ten years, and we've been through absolutely everything together.

She was the reason I was going through this hair crap. Her mother's cancer banquet

was tonight, and I promised her I would go and support the family.

"Almost ready?" she asked.

I looked in the mirror once more and twisted my mouth. "Heh. No."

Thea groaned. "We have to leave in an hour! But hey, what are you wearing?"

I looked over to my closet. "I dunno. Uh, how many people will be at this thing?"

"About a couple hundred."

My eyes widened. "A couple hundred?!"

She giggled. "I know, it's a pretty small party. But there'll be a bunch of people...and

I sighed and said, "Oh. Okay well give me a few...I should be ready soon. Unless my

head attacks my face."

"Ok, I'll be there in 20. BE READY, DAMMIT!" She hung up. I tossed my phone on my

bed by my purse and continued to brush my hair.

I finally got all the tangles out. My hair didn't look perfect, but it was good enough. I

through a random flower clip in it, just to be a little festive. Next step, clothing.

I walked over to my closet and pulled out my favorite dress; it was a silk, blue,

strappless party dress with a bow in the back. I through on my black heels to go with


When I thought I was content with the way I looked, I grabbed my phone and purse, then proceeded down the stairs.
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