Frist Dance (Crishtofer Drew Ingle Love Story)

Chapter Three: Cold Shoulder

I paced outsde of the classroom door, waiting for the bell to ring.

I'm late again. This time, it was due to the fact that my alarm didn't go off. I was already thrown into a

crappy mood because I didn't have my favorite necklace, and this just made it worse.

I already knew what Mr. Regan would say: "Young lady, this is the fourth time this year you have been

late..." Bleh, bleh, bleh. The bell rang and I could hear a bunch of footsteps coming from inside. I did my

best to blend into the wall, hoping that when this class left, I could fade into the crowd.

That didn't work.

I stepped between the wall and another boy and acted like Ihad just gotten out of class.

"Tough test, huh?" I said to the boy next to me.

"Test?! There's a test?!" he looked horrified.

"No, no I meant--" He was already off sreaming down the hall. I paused in the hallway once I felt eyes on

my back.

"Ms. Hennings," Mr. Regan spoke softly. I closed my eyes and turned around.

"Yes...Sir?" I mummbled with my eyes still shut.

Mr. Regan crossed his arms at his chest. "I noticed you weren't in class today." A bunch of excuses ran

through my head.

"Car accident," was the only one that left my mouth. Mr. Regan raised his eyebrows.


"Busted is correct. I'll be seeing you after school," he said closing the door behind him. Did I really say

'busted' out loud? I didn't think so. The first bell to start the next period sounded.

"GOD DAMMIT!" I shouted and kicked the locker behind me. I didn't have time to race to the other side of

the school with only seconds to spare.

I skipped that class too,considering I wouldn't have made it anyway. Of course, that just got me an after

school session in Math, and History. Thankfully, I made it to chemistry a bit early. Thea was sitting at our

lab table already with her books neatly stacked in front of her. Because that happens alot.....

"Uh, hey," I said as I took my backpack off my shoulder.

"Hi," she said quietly. I stared at her blank eyes as she watched the nothing-ness on the board.
"You okay?" I asked in a small voice.

Her jaw clenched and she answered through her teeth, "Peachy." I filled my mouth up with air and then

let it go.

"What happened last night?" I asked, curious.

"Nothing. I was ready to leave. Point blank." She crossed her arms and sat back in her chair. I was ready

to ask her a question about my necklace, but the bell rang and the rest of the class entered.

I can't honestly say I paid attention in class; I was thinking about the banquet. Mostly about the places

my necklace good possibly be, but mostly about Christofer Drew.

He seemed a little shady, I thought. Maybe he stole it and pawned it. I bit my lip and shook my head. Naw,

that cheap thing wouldn't be worth more than a dollar. Besides, it was my own fault; getting lost in the

eyes of someone I barely knew, and then loosing something that was very dear to me. I lightly punched

the side of my book. Thea took notes like she was in a race. At one point, I saw her wipe sweat from her

brow. It crossed my mind that I should've been taking notes too, but I was in so much trouble that I didn't

care anymore.

I got so lost in thought, I didn't even respond right away when the bell rang. I tried to catch up with Thea

to make it to lunch, but she was still running that race.

We reached the cafeteria just as the bell rang. I walked through the line normally, but I still wasn't all the

way there. My mind was still stuck in the same place it was during chemistry. I got to the lunch table and

joined Thea and her boyfriend Joseph.

"Hey, Joe!" I said.

He took a bite of his sandwhich and then looked at me. "Sup?" The way he said it didn't sound like a

question though. In this case, his 'sup' meant, "Shut up." I decided to turn my attention to Thea.

"Uh, Thea, did you ever find my necklace? Like, was it in your car or something?"

She shifted her eyes toward me and then became bitter. "You accusing me of stealing your junk?"

I was shocked. "What? No! I'm just wondering where it could be. Do you think I left it at the banquet?"

She shugged. "I dunno. Not my business. Ask Christofer."

"But..." I started. "How would I get in touch with him?"

Thea shifted around in her deep pockets and pulled out her cell phone. She gave me Christofer's number

and I entered it into my phone.

"Well should I text him or--"

"I don't care what you do, Kayleigh," she said cutting me off before getting up from the table and walking

away. Joseph sat there for a second, I could tell it was getting awkward for him.

"You can go," I mummbled looking down at my tray.

He lingered for a second and then said, "Oh." With that, he was gone.
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