Frist Dance (Crishtofer Drew Ingle Love Story)

Chapter Four: Lost and...Still Lost

The rest of the day inched by. I kept thinking about my necklace, Thea, and then of course Christofer. And Christofer. Oh, did I mention I was thinking about


I doodled on my notebook during all of my classes except gym. In gym, I just kept getting hit with the dodgeball so I could sit down, and think some more.

I want my necklace, I thought. I contemplated calling Christofer, just once, so I could ask him if he saw it. That never happened though. Why would he want to

talk to me?

I got home that afternoon and went straight to the kitchen. I was going to need an epic PB&J if I was going to survive the rest of the night. I moved through the

small, country style kitchen while humming show tunes.

"Hiya!" I heard from the living room, followed by zippers and the sound of taking off boots.

"Hey, dad," I called back licking extra peanut butter off my finger. My father walked in, still in his Paramedic uniform.

"How you doin', sweetie?" He as he walked in and kissed my cheek. I kept my head down and looked at my bread.

"Eh." I said. I slapped the two pieces together and then turned to leave.

Too bad dad was blocking the way. "Where's your necklace?" he asked sounding super skeptical of me.

"Up in my room." I kept my head down and tried to step around him. He put his leg in front of mine, making me come to a quick stop, making making me come to a quick stop, making me drop my


"SON OF A BIEBER!" I hollered. "It took forever's to make that thing! You could've let me put it down and then try to trip me! What there's no respect up in this

piece?" I leaned over to pick up the mess and wiped the junk up with a paper towel. "People these days," I muttered.

"Nice try. Where. Is. Your. Necklace?" My dad's a big guy. By big, I mean tall, thick, and scary as all hell. I didn't like it when he enunciated his words like that; it

usually meant I was in trouble.

I stood up and bit my lip. "I don't wanna tell you 'cause then you'll be mad at me."

My dad rolled his eyes and sighed. "Spit it out."

"Okay," I started. "I went to that banquet with Thea..."


"And then I lost it after dancing...I think. I'm really not sure where it could be." I looked up at his face. He didn't look mad, which usually meant he was going to

start screaming. He uses the composed face to make me think everthing was okay.

"Dancing? With?" he asked. I was afraid he would ask that question. How was I going to tell him I slow danced with a boy?

"A boy," was the first thing that popped into my head.

My dad's eyes grew large.

"Teehee...'Your eyes are the size of the moon...You could cause you can--'"

"QUIET!!" he sceamed. I don't know what I thought singing would help the situation, but it's all I could think of. I figured it would make him laugh, but he did the

oposite. And no, he didn't cry. I would've liked that better.

I got the long speech about 'why I shouldn't let boys into my life' and 'now look what I've done'.

Once he finished screaming at me, he sighed and said, "Do you have any idea of where this necklace might be?"

"Well, Thea told me to call the boy but..." I looked down and bit my lip again.

"Do it. Now," he said sternly. I pulled out my phone without hesitation and dialed Christofer's number.

No answer.

"Dad, he didn't--"

"Well try again." I don't like it when people don't let me finish my sentence. Rude. I dialed the number again. I could've just pressed redial but...stalling, duh.

He still didn't answer. I had a feeling my dad would make me sit there all night trying to reach Christofer.

I'm glad he didn't though. Everytime I got his voicemail, I felt relieved. I wasn't ready to talk to him ov "What is your problem?" I finally gained the courage to ask. Thea didn't answer me, but the dial tone did. er the phone, especially not in front of my dad.

After the seventh try, my dad let me go up to my room.

You know when you lose something, and you know you wouldn't have it in your house or room, but you do it anyway? Yeah. I tore apart the couches, my queen

sized bed, my dresser, all my jewlery boxes, EVERYTHING. Still, nothing.

I called Thea instead. She answered, but I almost wish she didn't.

"Hello?" she answered, sounding upbeat.
"What is your problem?" I finally gained the courage to ask.
"Hey, Thea! It's Kayleigh," I said matching her tone.

It's almost like I felt her mood change. "What do you want, Hennings?"

"Uhhh, I just wanted to tell you I have no lead on my necklace. Do you think you could try to get in touch with Christofer Drew? I tried earlier but--"

"Will you shut up about this stupid necklace? Stop asking everyone else. It's your fault, Kayleigh. Next time, pay attention to your junk," she hissed. "What is your problem?" I finally gained the courage to ask. Thea didn't answer me, but the dial tone did.
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