Frist Dance (Crishtofer Drew Ingle Love Story)

Chapter Five: I Blame You

I couldn't take it. I WANT MY NECKLACE, DAMMIT. All I did was toss and turn in

my bed that night, until I couldn't handle it anymore. I jumped up outta bed and

started tearing apart my bedroom again. This time, I tore off wallpaper. I don't care,

I thought. I'm gonna find this if it kills me...Someone should probably start handling

my death papers.

I grunted and kept tearing things apart.

When you first start a project, you think, "Damn, this is pretty good! I should keep

on going!" And then you lose yourself in it. You may even go a little crazy. Once

you're done it's more like, "Okay so...I gotta clean up? Really? Friggin' fraggin'...."

That's how I felt about 'Operation: Find My Effin' Necklace Before My Dad Shoots

Me'. I knew I would have to go through the work of fixing my room AND re-

wallpapering (or whatever) my wall. Like I said, it was obvious I wouldn't find it

anywhere in my room. I just wasn't ready to face the truth. Christofer Drew never

called back, or even texted. Thea never called back, or answered my calls. My dad

sat in his room all night, and never answered me when I asked him something.

Everyone seemed to be giving me the cold shoulder. At least my dad had a reason to;

he bought me the necklace. I understood him being mad. But Thea had no reason to

be angry or upset with me. I hate it when people are angry with you, but they won't

tell you what you did. How'm I supposed to come up with a lie if you don't tell me

what I did, huh?

I put my fingers on my temples and tried to hum myself into a deep sleep.

But then I realized I should've been lying down while doing that.

The next day was Tuesday. Tuesdays usually start off pretty good for me. But this

one didn't.

"Morning," I mummbled when I saw my dad in the kitchen. He already had his

uniform on with his gold badge that read, "STEVEN HENNINGS." His feet were up on

the chair next to him and his newspaper was covering his eyes.

"Hello, Kayleigh," he said. At this point, I was used to the cold shoulder. That's right,

I brought a scarf. I grabbed myself some coffee and sat down next to my dad. He

acted like I wasn't around. But I had coffee, so the cold shoulder does not bother


Finally I said, "What's wrong?"

He looked over his paper. "Just interested in this boy you mentioned. Does he have a


I bit my lip and traced the rim of my cup with my finger. "Christofer."

"Christofer....Christofer what?"

"Christofer Ingle. He's Thea's old friend. Or best friend. Or...something." I looked

back down at my cup.

My dad stuck his lower lip out and nodded. "What does he do?"

I shrugged. "He's into music."

He nodded again. "How old is he?"

"17, dad, like me. Now I gotta go." I grabbed my mug, threw it in the sink and

started to go upstairs.

"Kayleigh!" Dad called after me. "Have a nice day."

All I did was wave.

I wore a grey long sleeved shirt, a black and grey scarf, some jeans, and ugg boats.

We were getting into the colder months, and I'm anemic. I brushed my hair, and ran

out the door.

Chemistry: I was thinking.

History: I was thinking.

Math: I was thinking.

Gym: Thinking.

Thinking, thinking, thinking.

Until the end of the day came around. I started getting tired of Thea's cold shoulder,

and she was going to tell me what was up. I stopped her right before she hopped in

her BMW in the parking lot.

"What's been going on?!" I shouted putting a hand on her hood so she couldn't

leave. Like I was Superman or something.

"Nothing!" She screamed back. She opened her door and sat down.

"Why have you been ignoring me and getting so annoyed with me?!" Her eyes

watered up and her cheeks became super red.

"B-Because...Christofer doesn't stop talking about you." She turned away to wipe

tears. I stood there frozen for a second.

"Huh?" Was all I managed.

"He like--loves you, I think. He won't talk about anything else," she mummbled into

her sleeve.

"But...why are you mad at me then? It's not my fault..."

She looked at me with hate in her eyes. "You showed up. And now, I can't have him."

"You have Joseph!" I pointed out.

"Not the same! Now Christofer's all lovey dovey and freaking out because you called

him. Why would you call him?!"

My jaw dropped. "You gave me his number! I need my necklace, Thea! My dad's

gonna kill me!"

Thea tightened her jaw and pulled something out of her pocket. It was shiny. It was

silver. It had an angel on the front. It was--MY NECKLACE! She threw it on the

ground and watched me pick it up.

"Why would you take it?" I whispered. I wasn't mad anymore. I didn't care. I finally

had my necklace. Now I just gotta take care of that wallpaper....

"I was hoping you'd blame Christofer."

I giggled. "Well I blame you." We both laughed at our inside joke from the 6th grade.
Woot, woot! No more cold shoulder!
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