Frist Dance (Crishtofer Drew Ingle Love Story)

Chapter Eight: Great

It had been about a month of having Christofer in my school. It was great. We hung

out every chance we got. Thea, Joseph, Christofer and I had formed this little 'anti-

highschool' group. Basically, we sat together at lunch and talked crap about the

preps. As the days went on, I found myself getting weak in the knees for Christofer.

On the weekends, I longed to be back in school, sitting next to him in chemistry.

The October Kick-Off dance was coming up. To be honest, I don't know why they

call it a 'kick-off'. It's not a kick-off when it's the middle of October. They were

better off calling it a Halloween dance. Just about every girl in school asked

Christofer, but he kindly turned them down.

"I don't know..." Chris said one day while we were walking to chemistry. He slid his

hands in the pockets of his skinny jeans and shrugged. "None of the girls here are

what I'm looking for."

I blushed. "Well...You'll find someone." That right there meant, "ME! ASK ME!" I held

my books in front of my chest and bit my lip.

Chris sighed. "I guess." A second of silence went by before he said, "Well, maybe me

and you could go just as friends." He said it like a statement, but he looked at me

like he was asking a question.

Friend zone.

"Yeah....sure. Friends," I mummbled.

"I-is that okay?" He sounded unsure. I immediately switched up my mood.

"Of course! Totally, it'll be fun!" He opened the door to our chemistry class and

motioned for me to go in first. I took my seat next to Thea and he took his seat in

the back. At this point, all the girls were getting used to his rejection. Finally, they

stopped huddling around him and bothering him...Kinda.

Ms. Greene walked in shortly after.

"Hello, class," she started. When she was talking to the class, she was mostly talking

to Chris. Thea and I usually took this time to chat, since Ms. Greene was only

teaching to Christofer.

"So, are you excited for the dance?" Thea asked.

"Eh," I said. I quickly looked at her Grey Asking Alexandria shirt. "Nice shirt, bro."

Thea rolled her eyes and zipped up her sweatshirt so I couldn't see her T-shirt. "Tell

me what happened when you were walking!"

"What?" I asked like I didn't know anything.

"You came in here all blushy and stuff. I wanna know what happened!" She shook

my arm and stuck her lip out.

"He-Chris asked me to the dance..." I trailed off when I saw her eyes grow big. "As

friends!" I clarified.

She covered her mouth from screaming. "He likes you!" She sang.

"No," I sang back, making my voice sound all Opera-y.

"Yes, he does!"



"NO! NO! NO!" I stopped singing. I closed my eyes and exhaled. "He doesn't like me

like that. We're friends. Friends."

"Okay..." She said tightening her mouth. "He likes you," she whispered quickly.

I giggled and punched her arm.

"So," Ms. Greene said. "Can anyone tell me the atomic number of Iron?" Half the

class raised their hands, but she picked-

"Yes, Christofer?" Big shock.

"Uh, I wasn't raising my hand, Ms. Greene," he said.

Ms. Greene's jaw tightened like she was dissapointed that she had to pick another

student. "Heather?"

After chemistry, I made my way to gym. I got owned in soccer since I'm not the

sporty type. Once the horror of soccer was over, I ran to the locker room to grab my


I opened my locker, which was slammed shut and almost mushed my fingers.


"Hey, there." I turned my head and saw Gwen. Gwen was one of the preps we

always made fun of. She was tall and thing, kinda Barbie doll lookin'. Her silk blond

hair was tied in a ponytail. Her gym shorts were two sizes too tight, and half way up

her butt. And her gym shirt was tight and short enough to be classified as a bra.

"What?" I mummbled.

"Oh nothing. How's it going, Kayleigh? Been up to anything lately?" She rested her

elbow on my locker so I couldn't open it.

"No. Please move." I mummbled again.

"How's Christofer? He's pretty good looking, isn't he?" She ignored my question.

That's pet peeve number two for me.

"Mhm," I hummed while looking at the floor.

"But," she shook her head. "Something doesn't add up. He likes hanging out with

you, huh?"

I shrugged. "We're friends."

"Ah, I see. I think he's into you," she nodded. I kept quiet. "Oh yeah, certainly. And I

think you like him too. But I'm going to warn you once; you should stay out of my

way. I'm making him mine." She finally moved and left the locker room.

Because of her, I was late to class.