Status: Completed.

Forget Yesterday



“You know, Zack, with a little more arm pumping, shoulder shimmying and hip thrusting, people might actually start to think we’re a little gay,” Rian said sarcastically.

Alex laughed as Zack blushed, following Rian into Zack and Matt’s house. Tonight Matt was at a science research convention, as he had been all day today and would be all day tomorrow, so Zack had invited Alex and Rian round to hang out. Alex and Rian had immediately agreed – Rian spent a lot of time with Vinny as it is, and now that Alex and Jack officially together the three best friends hadn’t spent a lot of time alone. Jack and Vinny had decided to have their own guys night, so they didn’t even have to be worried about.

Tonight would be a night they all needed.

“So the Bears are playing the Vikings tonight in about half an hour, so I think we have just about enough time to order some pizzas and get our beer on!” Zack grinned, flopping down in the armchair next to Alex.

Hah, Chicago versus Minnesota. This would be fun.

“No manicures and face packs?” Alex teased.

“That’s for after the game,” Zack winked.

Alex and Rian just laughed. Yeah, tonight was going to be a good night.


When half-time arrived, Zack got them all another beer, making Alex smile. He’d missed this, just hanging out, the three of them. Everything had changed so much when Zack moved in with Matt, and while Zack obviously happy now, it was nice to have this back again.

But when Zack sat down finally, he had a frown on his face. That was not the face of a happy man.

“What’s wrong, Zack?” Alex asked softly.

“Huh? Oh, um, I’m just thinking about something,” Zack sighed.

Okay, yeah, something was definitely wrong.

“About what?” Rian asked.

Zack chewed his bottom lip for a couple of seconds, before looking at Alex and Rian – Alex just frowned a little more. What had happened to his happy-go-lucky friend?

“Matt’s been acting a little strange lately, that’s all,” Zack eventually said.

“What do you mean?” Alex asked, confused.

“He’s been working late, a lot, recently – which he says is just overtime but how much overtime can a scientific researcher have?! And I’ve walked in on him on the phone a few times and when he sees me he immediately stops talking! He’s overly affectionate one minute then complete oblivious the next and I just don’t understand! Doesn’t it seem a little…suspicious?” Zack asked desperately.

“Suspicious…as in…?” Rian asked, eyes wide.

“Yeah, I think there’s someone else,” Zack said quietly.

“Zack, calm down, Matt’s probably just got a lot of work on at the moment and he trying not to stress you out with it too,” Alex said firmly.

“Yeah, you know how busy it is for Matt in January at the college. Besides, he’s had to plan all this stuff for the convention too, so that’s extra work and responsibility right there!” Rian added.

Zack sighed and bit his bottom lip, but nodded.

“Yeah, I guess so. I mean, I know deep down that Matt would never cheat on me,”

A lump rose in Alex’s throat.

“How are you so stupid?! We’ve been fucking for months, Gaskarth,”

He flinched as Ian’s words rang through his head, and tears pricked in his eyes. No! Danny is not worth tears! Man up, Gaskarth!

“Alex? What’s wro…shit! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it! Jack would never cheat on you!” Zack spluttered.

Alex tried to smile, he really did. Fuck, how was this fair?

“Lex, come on, it’s okay. Jack is so different from Danny. He won’t cheat on you – he’s a serious guy who only does serious commitments. Vinny told me that Jack doesn’t date anyone unless he can see himself with them for the long-term, so you being with him means something special,” Rian reassured, passing Alex a paper napkin.

“You really think that?” Alex asked softly.

“Yeah, I do. Vinny may bullshit about a lot of things, but he never bullshits about Jack, especially not when it comes to Jack’s love life,” Rian nodded.

“This is the real deal, Lex. What you and Jack have is unique,” Zack added, smiling.

This time Alex managed to smile genuinely back.

“If any of you tell Jack about this, I’ll kill you,” Alex sniffed, forcing the tears away with a few blinks.

“Scouts honour,” Zack grinned, hand over his heart.

“Bitch, you were never a Scout. They wouldn’t let you in because you went there wearing lycra hotpants and glitter on your cheeks,” Rian retorted.

“I had taste, what can I say?” Zack said, unashamed.

“Fuck, I know we’re gay, but we need to stop such chicks!” Alex snickered.

“Football and beer it is then!” Rian laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Guys night looks like fun!
Especially with those three ;)

Sorry it's taken me so long to update, but we changed internet providers and there were problems etc etc. I'm back now though!

Thanks to everyone who commented on the last chapter :)