Status: Completed.

Forget Yesterday


Alex sometimes hated the way his life had turned out. No, more than sometimes. Pretty much all the time. Without a job, Alex had nothing to do all day while Rian was at work, other than watching TV or reading a book. It was a good thing he had money saved and that Rian was a patient friend, or Alex wouldn’t even have anywhere to live. He used to try going on a walk every now and again to get some fresh air, but if he ever saw anyone he knew he always received sympathetic smiles, and that just made him feel worse. He didn’t need or want anyone’s sympathy – he felt shitty enough without it.

Thanks to Danny Kurily.

“Honey, I’m home!”

“You’ve got to stop calling me that, Ri,” Alex mused, as Rian walked into their living room.

“You cook and you clean while I’m at work all day – I’d say that’s pretty housewifey,” Rian winked.

“Yeah, yeah,” Alex chuckled, swatting at Rian as he walked past.

Rian grinned and sat down next to him on the sofa, kicking his shoes off.

“Zack called me just as I left work, by the way,”

“Oh yeah? How’s life living with Matt?”

Zack Merrick had been Rian and Alex’s best friend in college, the three of them living on the same dormitory floor, and he’d moved to Chicago with them both after they graduated. Although he’d met his boyfriend Matt Flyzik pretty much as soon as they settled into their new city, Zack had only moved in with Matt 4 months ago. It was a shame that this was during the time Alex had decided to become crabby and antisocial.

“You’d know the answer if you saw him more than once a month,”

“It’s not my fault,”

“Technically no, but he’s our best friend – you could put in more of an effort,” Rian said simply.

Alex sighed but nodded. It wasn’t fair to Zack that he barely called, he knew that.

“Lucky for you, Zack invited us out tonight,” Rian grinned.

“Can’t he just come over here?” Alex whined.

“Nice try. Matt’s friends Colussy and Jeff’s band are playing at a local bar tonight to celebrate Halloween and Zack’s invited us,” Rian said.

“It’s Halloween?” Alex frowned.

“You really need to leave this apartment,” Rian chuckled.

Ouch. Alex bit his lip, thinking it over. One night out couldn’t hurt, right? Especially if it was to see Zack and Matt.

“Alright, I’ll go. But only if you by my first drink,” Alex smiled.

“Like you have any money anyway,” Rian winked.

Alex would’ve protested, but Rian was already up and leaving the room. Yeah, Alex really needed to get out of the apartment.


Two hours later, Rian and Alex were walking into the bar. Alex paled slightly at how crowded the place was, but he guessed Halloween brought out the alcoholics in people.

“How are we supposed to find them in here?” Alex asked loudly.

“Can’t you remember?” Rian teased.

Alex frowned, not understanding, making Rian laugh.

“Come on,” Rian beckoned.

Alex sighed but followed him to the bar. Rian motioned over a bartender, before leaning forward.

“We’re looking for the couple in a booth who everyone is steering clear of because they’re making out so heavily?” Rian asked smoothly.

The bartender laughed and pointed to the far left corner, the closest to the stage. Rian nodded his thanks and grabbed Alex, pulling him along. Sure enough, there were Matt and Zack. Alex couldn’t help but laugh when he realised that Rian was right – Zack was straddling Matt’s hips and they were making out eagerly with wandering hands.

“You’d think at 24 and 30 that you two would stop being horny teenagers,” Rian said loudly, sliding in the opposite side of the booth.

Zack broke away from Matt’s lips with a grin.

“When I have to stop using Matt’s dick as a giant mandildo because I can't handle it, I’ll remember that,” Zack winked.

Matt blushed but smiled at the new arrivals, Alex and Rian just laughing. Alex had almost forgotten how his normally-quiet bookstore friend got cruder when alcohol was in his system.

“I’m so glad you both came!” Zack said happily.

“Glad to be out of the apartment,” Alex mused.

“How are you holding up? I heard about watersports guy,” Matt grimaced.

“As well as I can,” Alex shrugged, not bothering to lie.

“Well…if you want, I’ve got a friend who you might like?” Matt offered.

“Matt, I’m okay – I really don’t want to go on another blind date any time soon but thanks anyway,” Alex smiled, knowing Matt was only trying to help.

Matt smiled sympathetically but nodded.

“Thanks for trying baby,” Zack crooned, resting his head on Matt’s shoulder.

Alex gagged teasingly and they all laughed.

“Right, who’s up for shots?” Rian asked cheerfully.

“Hell yeah!” Zack whooped.

Alex smiled to himself and relaxed into the booth. It was times like this, the few precious times, that Alex actually enjoyed his life. With his friends around him, he knew he could be happy again, one day.
♠ ♠ ♠
I do promise I'll explain what happened to Alex in Alex's next chapter!
At least Zack and Matt are introduced now =]
Jack's chapter will explain more about his past...

115 subs and only 36 comments? I know you guys can do better than that ;)
Thanks to everyone who commented on the last chapter!

maxx danziger
Rory The Roman
