Chicago Charms

Car Trouble

Lilith Cormier woke up to the sound of her alarm clock. She groaned flipping over and burying her head in her pillow. When the damn thing wouldn’t shut up, she threw the covers off of her and shut it off; the time was 5:00AM.

Rubbing a hand over her tired eyes she said, “Guess its time to get ready for another day of work.” Sighing she climbed out of bed and headed to the shower. When she stepped into the shower the warm water ran down her skin, warming her after being in a cold room.

After the nice shower she blow dried her thin light brown hair then letting the natural curls fall to her shoulders. She applied some light lipstick along with mascara and just a little bit of eyeliner, bringing out her dark green eyes. She walked into her bedroom again, heading straight for the closet looking for a suit to wear.

Lilith grabbed a dark blue suit and a light green one. Holding one at a time over herself she looked at her reflection in the body length mirror.

“Hm…blue?” she placed the blue in front of her, “or green?” she moved the green suit in front of her. “I think I’ll go with the blue today,” she said smiling.

Once dressed in the blue suit she grabbed matching shoes she grabbed her briefcase and keys then was off to work. She was the Executive Supervisor at ‘The Law Offices of Stanton and Ward’. At age 23 she’d only been working there for a more than a few years and she was already one of the top dogs.

Lilith had to be at Stanton and Ward at 6:30 and it was only 6 so she decided to stop and get some coffee on the way. She pulled into the drive-thru at ‘Starbucks’ and ordered two double mocha frappuccino, might as well get the big boss something, and drove off to work.


Arriving at Stanton and Ward was just like any other day. Lilith walked through the big glass double doors and headed towards her office on the second floor. Her heels clicked as she made her way to the elevator, coffees in hand and briefcase under her left arm.

Right as the doors of the elevator were about to close a woman yelled, “Hold the doors!”

Lilith quickly stuck her foot in front of one of the doors so the woman that yelled could get in. When she entered Lilith noticed it was here secretary and one of her best friends, Stella Johnson.

“Oh hi Lilith, I didn’t know it was you.”

Lilith smiled, “Its no problem. So where were you in such a rush?”

“Well I was going to try and beat you to work today but I guess I didn’t make it,” she giggled.

Lilith shook her head, “Why do you always try and beat me here when one you know you’ll never get here as early as I do because you never get up on time and two that old beat up 1970 Subaru of yours.”

“Hey I happen to love my car and being your secretary doesn’t exactly get me enough money to get a nicer car. But what about you, you’re the executive supervisor and you have a 1965 mustang. Why don’t you get a newer car like a beamer?”

She shrugged, “I like the classic cars, plus it’s not slow and I’ve had it for 3 years now and it hasn’t needed to get repaired yet.”

Stella raised an eyebrow at her, “Now watch on your way home your cars going break down because you just jinxed yourself.”

Lilith rolled her eyes and stepped out of the elevator and onto the second floor.

She walked to office, dropped off her coffee and briefcase then headed into the office next door to bring the ‘Big Boss’ his coffee.

Lilith knocked and peeked her head in, “Hey, Big Man, I got something for you.”

Mr. Joe Fatone looked up from his laptop, “What do ya got for me, Lily?”

She held out the coffee for him and his eyes widened.

“Oh my God, Lily, you’re a lifesaver. This is just what I needed.” He quickly took the coffee from her hand taking a sip and sighing.

Lilith giggled. “So what do you have for me today?”

“Hm…” he set his coffee down on his desk. “Well we just closed the Stephon vs. The State case and I need you to do a check up on these cases.”

Mr. Fatone handed her a list of cases that were about three pages long. Well at least it wasn’t like last week when he gave her a list seven pages long. Lilith was at the office until two in the morning.

“Alright. Is that all you need me to do?” she asked.

He nodded, “That and just your usual stuff.”

“Ok then I’ll see you later,” she said then went back into her office.

When Joe had said that she had to do her usual stuff what that ment was she was just needed to go through a bunch of paperwork and sign papers on closed cases, etc. It might not seem like a lot of work but it took her most of the day to get everything done from that day. Since she got to work at 6:30AM she worked until about 5:45PM, so she worked for about eleven and a half hours a day. With a lunch break and a few breaks in between.

It was just a little bit after 1PM when there was a knock on Lilith’s door.

“Come in.”

The door opened and Aideen Hanson’s head popped in.

Aideen was one of Lilith’s best friends. They had both gone to the same high school and then the same college, graduating together. They were literally “Two Peas in a Pod”.

“Hey, Lily, you want to come and get some lunch with me?” she asked.

“Well I wanted to finish these papers but…,” she paused looking up at Aideen, “what the hell. Lunch with my best friend is better than having to read through more papers.”

Aideen laughed, “Wow, you’re actually going to stop in the middle of paperwork. You must be in a good mood today.”

Lilith gave her a confused look, “Now what’s that suppose to mean?”

Aideen shrugged, “you’ve always been the ‘work first, play later’ kind of person. That’s why I asked you if you were in a good mood.”

Lilith thought about that for a moment then answered, “I don’t really know, I guess I am in a better mood then usual but then again I don’t have a lot of paperwork to go through today.” She smiled at Aideen, “I also feel like something good is going to happen today.” She stared at her for a moment then Aideen laughed.

“Well it’s good to see you loosening up some. And let’s hope that good thing that you think is going to happen is winning the Saxton case.”

They laughed.

“So are you ready to go?” Aideen asked.

“Yep, where do you want to go?” Lilith asked.

“I don’t care let’s just drive around and find some place.”

They headed out of the building to Aideen’s 2004 white BMW.

After driving around for about 15 minutes they finally found a Village Inn. Once they finished their quick lunch they went back to the office.

Once Lilith’s day was over she left the office and started driving home. But right as she was only two blocks away from her apartment her engine started smoking.

“What the hell,” she mumbled while pulling over to the side of the road.

She turned off her car and walked over to the front of her car. When she opened the good of her car she was clouded by a horde of smoke. Coughing, she waved the smoke away and looked at the engine.

“Who am I kidding, I don’t know anything about engines,” she let out a frustrated sigh.

Lilith took out her cell phone to try and call a tow truck but as she opened her phone she noticed the battery had gone dead.

“Shit. What am I going to do now,” she questioned herself while running a hand through her hair.

It was going to be dark soon and she was all by herself but to make matters worse, she had broken down in front of Club Rave.

Club Rave was one of the most popular clubs in Chicago and also one of the most dangerous. The club had as extremely bad reputation for fights, rapes, and of course many drunk people.

Lilith looked at the engine again and tried to figure out what was wrong with it, but no luck. She would just have to wait for someone to, hopefully, stop and help her.