Chicago Charms

Talking to Aideen

The next day Logan was all Lilith could think about. When would be the next time she saw him? How long would that be? What did he think of her? So many questions were running through her head and all revolved around Logan.

It was already 5:25 and she had barely done any work all day. She would start would start reading one of the papers she was suppose to sign and somehow something would remind her of Logan. And to top off thinking about him nonstop she couldn’t stop smiling! A knock on her door pulled her back from her daydreaming.

Aideen walked through the door, “Hey, Lily.”

“Hey. Did you need something?” Lilith asked. She didn’t mind having Aideen come in it was just that she already had enough distractions.

“Not really I just wanted to ask you if you’re ok,” she said.

“Um…yeah I’m fine. Nothing’s wrong. Does something seem wrong?” Lilith lied unsuccessfully.

“You should know by now that I can see right through your lies even if they weren’t so terrible,” Aideen teased. “So tell me what’s up. What’s got you so distracted? I mean I’ve never, in all our years of knowing each other, seen you so not functional.”

Lilith sighed. She knew she wouldn’t have been able to hide it from Aideen for long. She was, however, I little surprise that Stella hadn’t come to see her like Aideen. “Ok but if I tell you, you can’t go telling Stella, Joe, or anyone else for that matter. Alright?”

She nodded with a smile and stuck out her pinky, “Pinky promise.”

Lilith rolled her eyes. “You’re such a child,” but entwined her pinky with Aideen’s.

“Ok tell me, tell me, tell me.”

She took a deep breath and said, “I met a guy yesterday.”

Aideen gasped, “No way, I meet guys all the time. What a coincidence!”

Lilith playfully slapped her arm, “You know what I mean.”

Aideen laughed, “Yeah. What’s his name? So how’d you meet him? What does he look like? Is he sexy?”

“Whoa, whoa, down girl.” They laughed. “Well his name is Logan Hartwell, and he helped fix my car when it broke down yesterday on my way home-”

“Wait! You mean that car of yours finally broke down?!”

“Yeah, and your starting to sound like Stella.”

Aideen tilted her head to the side with a confused look on her face.

“Yesterday we were talking about our car and I was teasing her about how her car was so slow and I was playing with her about how mine never breaks down. Hm…I guess she was right when she said I jinxed myself.” She laughed.

“Yeah, yeah that’s all nice. Now tell me more about this Logan Hartwell friend of yours.”

“You’re guy crazy, you know that?”

She shrugged.

“Well, he’s very handsome. He was very nicely tanned, you know not like those fake tans. He’s was completely real. He was pretty built, but not the whole body builder type.” Lilith stared into space as she continued, “He had dark brown hair.” She paused, “And he had the most amazing, lightest green eyes I have ever seen.”

She was taken out of her trance by Aideen snapping her fingers in front of her face. “God damn, Lily. He must be pretty hot for you to get all day dreamy about it,” she teased.

“Shut up,” Lilith teased back.

“So are you going to see him again?”

“Um…you know now that I think about it, I never got him number. All he said was that I would see him again.”

“You better. I don’t know how you’re going to get any work done with you the way you are right now.”

Lilith stuck her tongue out at her.

“Oh, and you call me a child.”

They laughed together.

“Well I guess I should be heading home. I’m just going to go ahead and take the rest of this stuff home with me,” Lilith said beginning to gather the papers on her desk.

“Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow then,” Aideen said giving Lilith a quick hug.

“Yeah, see ya tomorrow.”

Lilith finished putting the papers into her briefcase and headed out to her car.