Chicago Charms

A Present for Her

When Lilith finally got home she was still unable to get Logan out of her head. As she dropped her keys off on the table by the door she walked into the kitchen. She stopped suddenly as she saw a vase full of a dozen white roses. She walked over to them, gently touching the beautiful flowers. She put her nose to one and smelled the sweet smell. She smiled. She loved the smell of roses. It was her favorite kind of smell.

“Strange,” she said to herself. “Who got me these and how did they know that my favorite type of flower was a white rose?” She shrugged it off think maybe it was just probably sent to the wrong apartment. But how wrong she was, when the person how sent them to her was currently watching her through her window.


All day Logan hadn’t been able to get Lilith off his mind. Thinking about her so much had distracted him so much while he was at work and both Jon, one of his best friends and co-worker, and Michael, the owner of the shop, had yelled at him about it. Well Jon had only been joking at the time but Michael hadn’t. With her on his mind he had trouble finishing the cars he needed to fix on time. He was lucky he didn’t get fired.

After work he had gone home and watched TV for about and hour and a half trying to get Lilith out of his head but still he couldn’t. What was it about that lovely woman that made him want loose his mind? Yes, she was very beautiful and extremely sexy. He had absolute gorgeous eyes. Dark green. He, in all of his life time, had never seen any eyes so beautiful like hers.

He couldn’t take it anymore. He had gone into his kitchen got a phone book and began searching for her phone number and address.

Once he had found where her apartment was he had gone to get a dozen white roses. He didn’t know how but he just knew that she loved white roses. When he got to her apartment he used one of his many skills he had learned in his many years of life to unlock the door, put the flowers in her kitchen and exit, locking the door again. But he hadn’t just gone in real fast then come out; he had decided a little exploring wouldn’t have hurt.

He had gone into her living room first. There were three pictures on one of her walls. One looked like a family picture. It had a woman, who was most likely her mom, a man, dad, and then Lilith. She looked to be about 21 in the picture. She was beautiful. Logan looked at the next photo was of Lilith and what looked like her best friend. She girl didn’t look anything like Lilith so he knew that they weren’t sisters. The final picture was of Lilith, maybe about age 20, and a girl who looked to be about 16 or 17. Lilith was hugging the girl from behind, her arms wrapped around the girl’s neck. They were both smiling pleasantly at the camera.

As Logan looked at the photo he noticed an inscription on the frame. He leaned in closer to read it and it said:

Angela Cormier
Feb.1987 - Apr. 2006
A loving daughter and sister

Logan couldn’t help but wonder how the poor young girl had died. Was it a disease? Was it some kind of accident? Or was it something worse? He looked at the pictures one last time then left the house to wait for Lilith to come home.

Thirty minutes later she finally came home. As she pulled up in her, now fixed, mustang Logan walked away from her apartment. When she was inside her walked back and watched her through her window.

Lilith was holding the roses with the most beautiful smile on her face. God, he loved that smile. She bent her head down to one of the little flowers and inhaled and he new she was smelling them.

Then he heard her say, “Strange. Who got me these and how did they know that my favorite type of flower was a white rose”

Wow, even through the wall he could hear her beautiful voice. Her voice was like angels singing. Just beautiful.

Logan watched as Lilith shrugged and walked over to the kitchen table. She sat down the set her fancy briefcase on top. She opened it and pulled out at least a dozen papers.

Logan shook his head. How could someone do so much work? Well, he guessed he had no room to talk. He had been many things in his life. Of course the very first thing he was, was a Trojan warrior.

He had been one of the many men who had fought against the Spartans. That included their most feared fighter Achilles, who was, unfortunately killed by Prince Paris of Troy by being shot in the heel, with an arrow.

Logan shook his head. It was such a shame for a man such as Achilles to die that way but at least he had died for a good reason. He had died while saving his love, Briseis.

He looked back to Lilith and she was putting the papers back into the briefcase. She got up and walked into what he guessed was her bedroom. A few minutes later she came out wearing a white spaghetti strap shirt and a pairs a short sofies.

Logan’s eyes widened. There were three things wrong with her outfit. One, the shorts showed off her stunning legs. Legs he could just imagine wrapped around his waist while he…

He shook his head to erase the image. The second thing was the he could completely tell that she wasn’t wearing a bra. And him, being a guy, couldn’t help but let his eyes and mind wander.

The third and last thing wasn’t really something wrong with her attire but it was what she in general did to his mind and most importantly his body. He stole a quick glance down at the front of his pants. Yep, if anyone saw his he was going to be really embarrassed.

Logan looked back at Lilith again. She was now in her living room, looking at the picture of her and her sister.

“I hope you’re doing ok up there, Angie. I miss you so much,” he heard her say.

She stared at the picture for a moment then kissed two fingers and pressed them to the picture. She turned off the lights and went back into her bedroom.

Logan took the keys to his Dodge Ram 1500. Before he left he pressed one of his hands to her window.

“Good night, Lilith. Sweet dreams,” he whispered and left.
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