Promises Under the Rain



The day she gave up was the day of another storm. He was taking a break from tour and would be home in an hour or so, but Linda didn’t believe in him, his love, or her life anymore. Everything was just too much to handle. Linda had always been independent, but now that she had to rely so much on her home-help and Zacky for every single thing in her life, it mentally tortured her. This was not how she was supposed to live her life. It wasn’t right.

Linda wheeled herself out into the rain, not bothering with putting on a jacket as she had dismissed all of her common sense since she simply could not care anymore. No longer would she put up with the weird expressions from people of all ages as they stared at her wheels, or have difficulty with tasks that used to seem to simple she could do without thinking, no more pity looks for Zacky when he was with her… Linda felt like he didn’t deserve that. He was a good man and shouldn’t have her slowing him down in life.

Zacky returned to his girlfriend’s house, just wishing he could eat her amazing salmon, drink some wine with her, enjoy her company, especially her long rants about her favourite TV shows, then fall asleep with her in his arms. It was the one thing he had been looking forward to since the day he left earlier that year. But he was not greeted with the beautiful smell of freshly cooked delicacies, or any other sign of life in the house. Puzzled, he eventually checked outside.

In the backyard, Linda rested with her head staring up at the droplets pounding the dying leaves of a towering tree. It was a beautiful sight… Complementing the view, some clouds were broken by some of the moon’s bright beam, unknowingly bringing hope with it.

Zacky approached his girlfriend hurriedly and pulled her into the shelter, panicking that she was now sick. After a lot of arguing and terrifying points being brought up, Zacky had had enough. In one last effort to convince the love of his life to stay with him in this life, he swivelled her chair to face the downpour, then walked back into the water. He looked down into her hazel eyes, grabbing her attention before he kneeled down in front of her, causing their eyes to almost be level again, just like they used to.

“Linda… I have told you so many times that I will always love you no matter what. You are the one for me, baby… Don’t you see?” he told her in what should have been a romantic voice but was instead full of frustration. “I am never going to give up on you, or us, so please don’t either.”

“Oh, Zacky… I’m so sorry… I love you too…” Linda replied as the hurt that she had caused him finally sunk in. Though she did not say she would not give up, Zacky took her words as meaning that she would not stop trying. He shouldn’t have.


She called his dog over to her when it started getting distracted from fetching the stick. He had taken her out to the park for the day to enjoy the weather and to try to distract her. Ever since that night, Linda had not been the same. Zacky did his best to cheer her up and keep her occupied so she would feel better, but deep down inside, he knew that there was nothing he could do to ease her pain. Over the years, he had learned that the only thing he could really do was enjoy the good days with her, when she didn’t feel so depressed, and just ride out the bad ones.

Today was a good day. She was laughing and participating as much as she could. Perhaps it was the fresh air, the gentle rustling of leaves in the background of small birds chirping, or the playing with a pet… Zacky didn’t care what it was, just that it helped.

Nonetheless, Linda was still the love of his life. Never had he considered leaving her. He lived to be with her. She was all he thought about when he was overseas. Any contribution he made to his music, it was for her. It was unfortunate that she had been in an accident, but that couldn’t stop him from loving her. As he thought this, he bent down and tied on a silver ring to his dog’s collar, making sure he secured it properly. Then, he let Linda call the dog back to her so she could throw the stick again. Zacky watched as his long-time girlfriend reached down to pat the dog, but then paused as she saw the diamond sparkling in the bright sunlight.

A light sunshower begun as Linda met Zacky’s eyes with her mouth open from shock. She mouthed a ‘why’ to him in disbelief. So many times had she questioned their love; why would a rock star be with her, why would anyone be with a cripple like her, why hadn’t he left yet… And here he was proposing? Zacky mouthed an ‘I love you’ back to her, grinning madly which helped ease his nerves as he awaited her answer. Linda untied the ring and placed it on her finger. She then threw the stick for the dog as Zacky raced over to her, gently reaching down and hugging her when he reached her.

It was the happiest day of his life. It would have been for her too, had she been able to walk.