Status: I have kind of changed the story line......but it's better than the one before.. :DDD Hope you guys like it!!

There's No Escape...

My Evil Scheme...more or less

The weekend flew by like a bird. And I still hadn't forgotten about the kiss. Maybe he did it in the heat of the moment, or he knew what he was doing. I dunno, but I couldn't let thoughts of Andre take over my mind, I still had to think about HIM. That was one of the things I had to focus on, as well as the English project I'm working on with Andre. That reminded me, we still had to make a start on it. 

I felt my side table for my glasses, but I couldn't find them, I think I started to panic because no glasses meant a blind Alice. I got up off of the bed and started to walk around flapping my arms for support. I stopped in what I thought could be the middle of my room and remembered the events of the past weekend. I lost my glasses and Andre gave me his grandmothers glasses. I stood there for a while thinking, where could I have put them last night? Aha! My desk! I took a step forward and bumped into my desk. The corner of the table hit my leg and I groaned in pain. I felt the table and found them. I let out a little yes.

Putting the glasses on I spoke to myself "There! That should do it!" I never liked being home alone, I always felt like I was being watched or someone was listening to me talk to myself. But I always tried to ignore my fear of being alone. 

I kinda looked like a bigger dork in these glasses, but I was grateful that Andre gave me these glasses. I sighed and looked at my digital clock and it read 7:24. I had to get ready for school. It was a Monday morning, I was never late to school and I don't plan on being late today.

I walked over to my dresser and thought about what to wear. I decided on a dark pair of skinny jeans, a checked button up dress top and a cardigan. And with that I walked into the shower. 

I had a nice long shower. By the time I came out it was 7:50. Damn! I had to hurry, I didn't even have time to do my hair, so I just brushed it and grabbed a hair band on my way out of my room, as well as my phone and backpack.

Rushing downstairs I ran into the kitchen and got me some brioche rolls! Yummy! I slipped my feet into my shoes, grabbed my house keys and left for school. I checked the time on my watch, it showed me I was going to be on time. I smiled at my punctuality.

I got to school quite early, I guess I speed walked. Walking across the school lawn people were staring at me. I think it was the glasses and my hair. Both were different. I looked different. A new look wasn't bad, was it? Deciding to ignore the stares and comments I put my head down and continued my walk across the lawn. That's when I collided with someone. I was about to apologise, when I saw that the person dropped their bag....revealing...the same knife. My eyes widened as I looked up to see who it was. It was a guy. But I was too late, he had already gathered his stuff and ran off. 

"Hey wait!!" I yelled, he looked familiar. Those baggy jeans, black high tops and the blue hoodie. I was about to run after him, when I stepped on something. I moved my foot and saw a necklace. I frowned and picked it up. The pendant was in a shape of a knife. It looked just like the knife he dropped. Whoever he was, I now had his necklace. I sighed and checked the time. The school started to overflow with students. I quickly unzipped my front pocket of my backpack and threw it in, making sure it was safe and zipped it up.

I rushed in school not wanting to be late to my first lesson. English. We had three weeks to complete the project. It had been a week, but we still had two weeks. I thought I could call Andre over to do the project cause Mom wasn't home, not that she would mind, but I was home alone. I don't mean to sound like a slut. You know calling a boy over for the wrong reasons. I'm totally against that. Don't get me wrong, I always follow the rules, I don't understand the point of being a rebel, what do you get out of it? Nothing I guess. 

I walked into the classroom and sat down. A few minutes later the class started to fill up like a glass of water. Mr Adams walked in. The stares hadn't stopped, as students walked in they just stared at me as if I were an alien. Did I look that bad? Ignoring it would be the best option.

Someone sat down next to me and I saw a surprised Sam. "What?"

"What happened to you?! And whose glasses are those?! They look funny!" he started to laugh. Making me angry.

"I woke up late, and as for the glasses it's a long story."

Mr Adams spoke up, startling me, "Mr Collins, what's so funny? Would you like to share it with the class?" 

Sam's eyes lit up and I tugged on his shirt indicating him not to say a word. "Um" I could tell he was holding his laughter in "No Sir." I just glared at him. He gave me one of those innocent 'what?' looks. I just smiled to myself and focused  on the lesson. 

"Alright class, today you will be working with your assigned partners on the characters I gave each pair." when he mentioned 'partners' I remembered Andre. I looked around the classroom but he was nowhere to be seen. I could've sworn I saw him, maybe I was imagining him? Mr Adams spoke up breaking my thoughts, I looked up. "Alright off you go. Collect a novel from the side of the classroom, they're in that green box." he pointed to the side of the room showing where the books where kept. "If you have a problem then come and see me right away." 

I guess I was the only one with a problem. "Yes Miss Smith. How may I help you?" 

"Um my partner isn't here." I stated the fact. 

He frowned at first and then it looked as if he came to a realisation "Aah yes! Andre. He will be a little late. Maybe a few minutes, why don't you grab a novel and get started on it. Okay?"

"Okay." I got a novel and sat down. Andre and I were working on Eliza Doolittle. And how she changes throughout the novel.

"Sorry I'm late!" I looked up to see Andre.

I smiled "It's okay." my smile faded away. After a while I noticed him staring at me "What?"

"You look really pretty today" that surprised me.

I looked down "Umm thanks. So should we get started?" he was staring out into space. "Hello? Come back to earth Andre."

"Oh sorry, um I'm gonna go get a novel."

He left to get the novel. He came back with it and a piece of paper in his hand. 

"What is it?" I was curious. 

"I saw this next to the box with the novels. Here."

I read it out loud. " 'give to Alice' okay." I opened it very slowly, from the corner of my eye I could see Andre flicking through the book looking confused. I sighed as I looked at what it said;

'I would like my necklace back pls. Leave it on your table at the end of the lesson when everyone has left. Or else...'

This was my chance, I would leave the necklace on the table and leave the classroom. Then hide outside the class and wait to see who goes in and take a peek in the classroom in case I don't see the face. Haha I had my scheme planned out. 
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay! Hope you guys like this chapter!!
Alice will do a little investigating in the next chapter....(HINT: you'll find out about Andre's 'group')
So the next chapter MIGHT be a little long...dunno...maybe
Enjoy. Comment (please!). Subscribe!!
Peace Out <3