Status: One Shot

The Ocean's Cries

Asking Permission

Will you allow me to drown? I really want to, the salt water that burns my throat makes me think of everyone who has cried. I am not allow. They have cried too. They people who live on this world with me. The human race. Will you allow me to die here? Are you even capable of saving me?

Breathe in.

I feel the water fill my lungs, what will you do? I can't swim and I am surrounded but nothing by the vast blue. The worlds tears, I am drowning in the them. I am sinking into the ocean. Will you let me drown? I can hear your voice in my head.

'Kick your feet!' You plead.

I can't they seem to be heavy like lead. They won't move. Will you save me? Will you take me from the water grave? Will I live to touch your face another day? I am sinking so low now and you are no where near. Have you given up on me? Have you stop searching? Of course how could I forget, you left long ago. Months has passed and I have been without you. So you won't come save me. I will just keep sinking lower. Is it possible to cry under water? Well I feel like I am crying. What a sad way to die, with tears in your eyes. What a slow way to die, drowning. Then can I ask your permission, Will you let me forgot you? That way my body will give up on living and I can be gone from this awful place.